Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

| Switzerland, 
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measurement tasks 
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1 be supported by 
inspection, simple 
ences), assessment 
traction, road sign 
road verge / nature 
diverse tasks vary 
urface, road signs 
structures such as 
s well as low- and 
nding on the task, 
not only the focal point but also the preferred viewing direction 
may be different as is shown by the following examples: 
pavement (vertical), road signs (horizontal, along-track), traffic 
barriers (horizontal, cross-track) or embankment (‘over-the- 
horizon' / vertical). 
street lighting 
Figure 1. Vision-based road infrastructure management — 
typical focal points and objects of interest. 
1.3 Goals and structure of this paper 
The paper aims at demonstrating the practical feasibility of an 
interactive and accurate 3d geoinformation environment for 
road infrastructure management relying entirely on multiray and 
stereo imagery (and on their derivatives such as fully textured 
3d point clouds). The main purpose of the investigations was to 
identify the typical requirements, the technical and operational 
challenges in establishing and exploiting such an environment 
and the limitations of the approach. 
First we introduce our proposed solution of an interactive 3d 
information environment integrating high-resolution ground- 
based multi-stereo imagery with high-resolution airborne 
imagery. We then identify the main challenges and requirements 
to be met by such an integrated solution through all process 
phases — from the image acquisition and 3d information extrac- 
tion to the cloud-based exploitation. We then introduce techno- 
logies for the acquisition and processing of the ground-based 
and airborne imagery and for their subsequent integration. In 
the following section of the paper the concept and the 
technologies are applied to and evaluated in a highway mapping 
project in Switzerland. The paper is concluded with first results 
and a discussion of future work and challenges. 
2.1 Overview 
We propose a seamless image-based 3d visualisation and 3d 
measuring space integrating very high-resolution airborne 
imagery and mobile multi-stereo imagery. The solution employs 
airborne 3d views and terrestrial 3d views and complements 
these views with dense, fully textured 3d point clouds derived 
from the airborne and ground-based imagery. This combination 
of 3d views and 3d point clouds provides a permanently three- 
dimensional visualisation and measurement space and permits 
seamless transitions between airborne and ground-based 3d 
views via freely navigable 3d point clouds. 
Thus, the solution offers a number of horizontal and vertical 
viewing perspectives with accurate 3d measurement capabilities 
either by means of stereoscopic digitising or by 3d 
monoplotting. The incorporation of dense 3d point clouds 
which are derived from the identical imagery and which 
therefore possess perfectly co-registered RGB or even RGB & 
NIR texture provides a number of potential benefits over 
exclusively image-based 3d models. For example, it enables the 
inclusion of dense road surface models or the direct extraction 
of road profiles and their inspection within the 3d visualisation 
environment. It furthermore frees users from the original 
viewing geometries and adds a greater freedom of navigation 
within the 3d environment. 
2.2 Challenges and requirements 
In order to obtain such a dense, accurate and interactive image- 
based 3d visualisation and 3d measurement space the following 
major challenges and requirements have to be met: 
e Acquisition — Provision of a very high-resolution coverage 
of the road surface itself with a GSD € 1 cm and a high- 
resolution coverage of the entire road corridor, including 
100-200 metres on either side of the road axis, with a GSD 
ofz5 cm. 
e Georeferencing / Co-Registration — Accurate georeferen- 
cing and in particular highly accurate co-registration of 
airborne and terrestrial imagery — leading to accurately co- 
registered derived 3d data. 
e Extraction — Automatic extraction of dense depth informa- 
tion — and subsequently 3d point clouds — from the airborne 
and terrestrial imagery respectively. The dense depth 
information is to support accurate 3d monoplotting and 
object extraction in image space on the one hand and a 
greater freedom of user navigation within the geospatial 3d 
environment on the other. 
e Integration and Exploitation — All the above mentioned 
geospatial data, i.e. georeferenced airborne and terrestrial 
stereo imagery, 3d point clouds, as well as derived products 
such as orthoimagery, DSM and 3d objects need to be inte- 
grated into a suitable 3d software environment permitting 
the interactive exploitation of the rich 3d road scene. 
The following three technologies are subsequently used to 
demonstrate and validate the proposed integrated airborne and 
terrestrial image-based 3d road infrastructure management 
e ground-based image acquisition and processing: IVGI 
stereovision mobile mapping system and stereovision 
processing and exploitation software 
e airborne image acquisition and processing: Leica RCD30 
and Leica FramePro 
e integration and exploitation: OpenWebGlobe 3d virtual 
globe technology 
3.1 Stereovision based mobile mapping system 
For our research we use the IVGI stereovision mobile mapping 
system which is being developed since 2009 as part of the 
SmartMobileMapping research project. The system was 
originally intended for road sign management and has since 

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