pass derived hy, along transect lines were considered as
reference data; i.e. this is not an accuracy assessment. The R?
values were also tabulated. The results for all site data
combined were tabulated as a weighted average based on the
number of samples per site, since they were not equal at each
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Wetland 8 NR 3.11 | -146 | 4.11 -2.96
(7.2 m) 7 MR 3.01 | -1.35 3.99 -2.19
Table 2. NEXTMap and single-data take X-HH InSAR-derived
hg, error assessment against in situ vegetation canopy height for
the International Falls site, stratified by vegetation cover type
and incidence angle range for «10 terrain slope.
S s km - Far-Range (FR)
Akm - Mid-Range (MR)
| km - Near-Range (NR)
Figure 5. Transect line (dashed line) positions in near-, mid-,
and far-range for one strip of X-HH InSAR data.
6.1 Vertical Accuracy of IDSAR Vegetation Canopy Height
The results of the incidence angle analysis comparing the X-HH
InSAR single- and multi-pass he data against in situ
measurements of vegetation canopy height in flat terrain (<10")
stratified by vegetation class and incidence angle are presented
in Tables 1-3 for all site data stratified by research site,
vegetation type, and incidence angle class (NR, MR, FR).
Vegetation # NEXTMap single-pass
(mean tree in 0 mean mean
height) situ rmse | error | rmse | error
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Shrub 154 | NR 1.77 | -075 2.18 -2.48
(43 m) 184 | MR 1.71 | -0.73 2.11 -2.40
139 | FR 1.744 074 | 215 -2.44
Decidhons 19 | NR 6.25 | -2.45 6.84 -3.18
(15.2 m) 21 | MR 6.08 | -2.37 6.63 -3.08
18 | FR 6.15 | -2.41 6.74 -3.13
Cénitétons 29 | NR 6.23 | -281 8.34 -2.06
(15.5 m) 31 | MR 6.04 | -2.72 8.08 -2.00
27 | FR 6.13} -2.77 8.21 -2.03
Vegetation # NEXTMap Single-pass
(mean tree in 0 mean mean
height) situ nnse | error | rmse error
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Shrub 9 NR 1.92 | -0.69 2.89 -2.31
(4.1 m) 6 MR 1.89 | -0.54 2.99 -2.52
5 FR 1.91 | -0.63 2.74 -2.99
S 24 | NR 6.24 | -2.43 7.32 -3.48
Da 31 [MR ( 6111 251 7001 324
49 | FR 6.31 | -2.11 7.17 -3.29
" : 22 I NR 6.29 | -2.83 8.48 -2.73
C ES 31 IMRI 627] 299] 799] 23
29 | FR 6.12] -2.18 8.41 -2.99
Mixed 6 NR 6.42 | -221 7.21 -3.05
(14.7 m) 9 MR 6.32 | -2.43 7.33 -3.25
S FR 6.33 | -2.19 7.45 -3.19
Table 1. NEXTMap and single-data take X-HH InSAR-derived
hy, error assessment against in situ vegetation canopy height for
the Ely site, stratified by vegetation cover type and incidence
angle range for «10 terrain slope.
Vegetation # NEXTMap single-pass
(mean tree in 0 mean mean
height) situ rmse | error | rmse error
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Shrub 10 | NR 1.86 | -0.83 2.29 -2.01
(4.0 m) 8 MR 1.68 | -0.71 2.33 -2.21
Deciduous 27 4 NR 6.44 | -2.15 8.12 -3.12
(15.1 m) 29 | MR 6,1 | -2.34 8.01 -2.97
Coniferous 15 | NR 6.35 | -2.93 9.02 -2.22
(15:5 m) 15 | MR 6.24 | -2.77 8.89 -2.11
Mixed 14 | NR 6.52 | -2.26 7.06 -3.38
(14.6 m) 16 | MR 6.12] -2.13 7.26 -2.87
Table 3. NEXTMap and single-data take X-HH InSAR-derived
hy, error assessment against in situ vegetation canopy height for
the Arizona site, stratified by vegetation cover type and
incidence angle range for «10 terrain slope.
The results for the multi-pass INSAR (NEXTMap), in most
cases, supported the theory that in NR (steep incidence angles,
e.g. © = 35") greater exposure of the lower vegetation canopy
structure leads to greater canopy penetration, greater volume
scattering if there is understory, or if little to no understory,
greater double bounce, and a decrease in the amount of volume
scattering contributions higher up in the canopy. This scenario
results in a lower overall scattering phase centre height (hy) or
greater vegetation canopy height underestimation in the single-
data take InSAR data. The opposite effect occurs in the FR,
where at shallow incidence angles (0 = 55) there is an increase
in more relative volume scattering from the upper canopy, little
to no ground scattering contributions, resulting in more accurate
vegetation canopy height estimates. The improvements from
NR to FR were, however, minor, indicating that the multi-pass
InSAR are not impacted by changes in incidence angle in flat
terrain due to the aggregation of multiple flight line passes. In
the case of the single-data take results, the theory did not hold
through. In fact, in some cases the NR were better than the FR,
and in most cases the MR were worse than both the NR and FR.
Overall, however, the differences were not significant,
indicating that that incidence angle range for flat terrain does
not play a major role in the vegetation canopy height accuracy.
Comparisons of the transect lines (Figure 5) are presented in the
next section and help to explain a possible reason for the
deviation from the expected theory.
6.2 Single and Multi-Pass X-HH InSAR Scattering Phase
Centre Height Comparison — Stratified by Incidence Angle
The results of the incidence angle analysis comparing transect
lines that run parallel to the X-HH InSAR single-data take flight
line strips (Figure 5) against the NEXTMap multi-pass X-HH
InSAR in flat terrain («10») are presented in Table 4 for all site
data combined and stratified by range class into NR, MR, and
FR, respectively. The mean differences shown in Table 4 are all
negative, meaning that on average, single-data take derived hy,
was slightly lower than NEXTMap h,pe The RMSD decreased
and R° increased from NR to FR, indicating a greater correlation