Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

remote sensing is easily influenced by cloud and rain, the 
effective monitoring days and algal bloom days by 
Monitoring was very different in each month in 2009, 2010 
and 2011. In order to get comparable index to reflect the 
intermonth variation, the month algae bloom frequency 
index (MAFI) was used as a reference standard. 
The figure 3(a) shows that the variation monthly of algae 
bloom frequency about 2009, 2010 and 2011. The three lines 
all formed the four stages: operation of low level, rising 
phase, high shock, and fall period. In the period of high 
shock, there are two peaks and a rock bottom, and the 
difference of peak and the bottom is proportional to the 
month of the bottom. There are also some obvious 
differences in the annual variation. It is not same about the 
time node of low level and rising phase stages. The peak and 
bottom of the high shock appear in different month. At the 
fall period, the line in 2009 fall fast so as to form the normal 
distribution, but the lines in 2009 and 2010 are still at a 
higher level in spite of falling. The January no zero value of 
the line in 2011 could be seen the extension of the fall period 
in 2010(the figure2 k shows the spatial space). 
1 lh = 
0.8 > db a 39 à s 
; s M a —#— 2009 
; i a : A 
E 7 } AN 4 2010 
0.4 o 3 2011 
0.2 + 
Fn m 
0 Bom ei. am Là = 
4003 04-5 6079594100112 month 
a. variation monthly about 2009, 2010 and 2011 
1 2009... 2010 2011 
7/3 $7 01113 579114 3 5 7 9'11 
Time(month from 2009 to 201 1) 
b. the intermonth variation during 1998 to 1999 
Figure 3 the month algae bloom frequency index from 2009 
to 2011 in Taihu Lake 
Figure 5 reflects the annual variation of MAFI from 2009 to 
2010 years. Obviously, the Curve of 2009 has formed a 
blooming cycle just only in the twelve month of 2009 year 
(Some research material suggests that blooming cycle in 
2008 and 2007 is similar to the situation in 2009) (Ma R et al, 
2008; Duan H et al, 2009; Ma R et al, 2010). The blooming 
cycle in 2010 had extended to the January, 2011. Similarly, 
the value of December, 20110f Curve not fall to zero, which 
could show that the blooming cycle had extended to the 
January, 2012(In fact, the existing monitoring results in 
January, 2012 show that the booming had happened). 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
3.4 The Time variation of algae booming in the 
Through the statistics of EBD and IBD using zoning 
methods, it is easy to obtain the date of the first EBD and the 
last IBD and the average of EBD and IBD in the subregion 
(figure 4). The figure shows that the latest end blooming 
date in any subregion is more than 350th days, which can 
reflect the general phenomenon that the blooming circle is 
beyond a year. The spasial distrubution subregion of the 
earlier initial blooming date(8th days) is at the Central Lake, 
Meiliang Bay and Gongshan Bay in 2011, that proof the 
existing of lag trend in the blooming circle in recent years. 
Westeexst o Zbheuhan — Seufhoxst Mobang — Dengshas Contreblake 
a. the time variation of algae booming in the 
Subregion of Taihu Lake in 2009 
286 : 
Westecest Zhushan Southovest Meliang Gongshan Cantrailake | 
b. the time variation of algae booming in the 
Subregion of Taihu Lake in 2010 
; 30 i i i i 
Westcosit  Zhuthan  Southocast  Melang —Gongshen Centealiake : 
c. the time variation of algae booming in the 
Subregion of Taihu Lake in 2011 
Figure 4 the monthly algae bloom duration of each 
subregion from 2009 to 2011 in Taihu Lake 
Note: In the diagram, the top and low of each rectangle stand for the 
average of EBD and IBD in the subregion. The top and low of each 
vertical line indicate the date of the first EBD and the last IBD in this 
The temporal and spatial distributions information can be 
fast and efficient obtained by means of the method and

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