Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
G. J. Newnham®, D. Lazaridis?, N. C. Sims?, A. P. Robinson?, D. S. Culvenor? 
a CSIRO Division of Land and Water and Sustainable Agriculture Flagship, Clayton South, Victoria, Australia 
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 
KEYWORDS: Forest, Classification, Hyperspectral, Ensemble, Decision Tree, Random Forests 
The classification of vegetation in hyperspectral image scenes presents some challenges due to high band autocorrelations and 
problems dealing with many predictor variables. The Random Forests classification method is based on an ensemble of decision 
trees and attempts to address these issues by dealing with only a subset of image bands in each node of each decision tree. Random 
Forests has previously been used for classification of vegetation using hyperspectral data. However, the variable importance measure 
that is a by-product of the technique has largely been ignored. In this study we investigate the spectral qualities of variable 
importance in the classification of forest and non-forest in a single Hyperion scene. The spectral importance curve showed broad 
bands of importance over wavelength regions known to be significant in biochemical absorption. 
Certain biological and statistical challenges can inhibit the 
successful use of hyperspectral data for mapping forest extent. 
Absorption by plant materials in vivo generally occur as broad 
wavelength bands leading to auto-correlation in vegetation 
reflectance spectra. In addition, many statistical modelling 
methods have a tendency to over-fit to noise in cases with many 
predictor variables (Bajcsy and Groves, 2004). Consequently, 
classification accuracy may be highest when only a small a 
subset of predictor variables is used (Hughes, 1968). 
The ensemble decision tree approach described as Random 
Forests (Breiman, 2001) is suited to addressing these challenges 
and has been shown to be superior to linear, quadratic and 
penalised discriminant analysis when using hyperspectral 
satellite data (Everingham et al., 2007; Sluiter and Pebesma, 
2010). Random Forests models also generate a measure of 
variable importance. High variable importance has been used 
for selecting narrow bands (Chan and Paelinckx, 2008) and 
spectral indices (Ismail and Mutanga, 2010) for inclusion in 
refined classification models. However, the spectral 
characteristics of variable importance have not been fully 
We consider variable importance for a classification of forests 
and non-forests based on a Hyperion image over high value 
forest site in Tasmania. Spectral characteristics of the 
importance curve are compared to known absorption and 
reflectance characteristics of leaf biochemicals. 
The Hyperion scene used in this study was captured on the p^ 
of March 2010 over the Warra Long Term Ecological Research 
(LTER) site in southern Tasmania (Brown et al., 2001). The 
image was 88km in the along track direction and included 
mainly forested land in the south, while grassland and pasture 
dominated in the north. Pre-processing was performed using the 
methods described by (Datt et al., 2003) and then registered to a 
orthocorrected mosaic of Landsat Thematic Mapper images 
produced as part of the Australian National Carbon Accounting 
System (Furby, 2002). 
A Tasmanian Government state-wide vegetation map was used 
for training and validation of the classification models. The map 
is based on aerial photo interpretation and field validation, and 
includes 154 classes as described by Harris and Kitchener 
(2005). These classes were aggregated into generic forest and 
non-forest classes and a raster map created on the same grid as 
the Hyperion image. 
First, we applied the implementation of Random Forests by 
Liaw and Wiener (2002) to discriminate forest from non-forest 
classes in the Hyperion image. For each class, 10000 pixels 
were selected at random as the training set. In each model run, 
1000 decision trees were generated. Classification accuracy was 
assessed across the entire Hyperion scene. The wavelength 
regions that best discriminate forest from non-forest classes 
were inferred from the variable importance spectrum. These 
wavelengths were then compared to published biochemical 
absorption features to examine which parameters of forest 
biochemistry may be contributing to the spectral separation of 
forested from non-forested areas. 
The classifications of the Hyperion image were assessed in 
terms of overall accuracy and the Kappa statistic (Cohen, 1960). 
These are summarised in Table 1. Training accuracy was 
comparable to other published results. Interestingly, when the 
model was applied to all pixels in the Hyperion scene, the 
overall accuracy was maintained and the kappa statistic 
increased slightly. This is not a large increase, but does indicate 
the stability of the model when applied outside the original data 
on which it was built. 
The significance of Hyperion spectral bands in discriminating 
the forest and non-forest classes were assessed using the 
measure of variable importance produced using the Random 
Forests method. The plot of variable importance as a function of 
wavelength showed strong auto-correlation, with dominant 
peaks in significant biochemical absorption regions. 

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