Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
sensor and in concentric circles of constant view azimuth angle 
for frame sensors. In addition, those circles have to be split up 
in segments for different relative azimuth angle. 
Due to missing sampling redundancy physical models cannot be 
used and are impractical for the large variety of surface types in 
a typical aerial image. So it is favourable to use linear semi- 
empirical kernel models like those developed by (Wanner et al., 
1995). The inversion of linear models is a least squares 
regression and results in a simple matrix inversion while models 
with non-linear parameters would require calculation-intensive 
adaptive inversion algorithms. For the correction step which 
requires many forward calculations, simple kernel functions are 
As suggested in (Beisl et al., 2004) even a simple 3-parameter 
Walthall model (Walthall et al., 1985) without distinguishing 
between different ground types (“global correction”) shows 
good results (eqn 11). There is an extended version including a 
varying sun zenith angle (Nilson and Kuusk, 1989) (eqn 12). 
p(8,, 9) 2 a6? - b0, cos pc (11) 
0(8,0,,9) 2 a0?8? - b(8? 9?) - c0, cos p d (12) 
where p = reflectance 
6; = incident illumination zenith angle 
0, = reflection view zenith angle 
9 — relative azimuth angle 
a, b, c, d = free parameters 
Since the Walthall model does not include a hot spot term a 
simple empirical elliptical kernel function (eqn 13) is added to 
eqn (11) and (12) which is inspired by the hot spot distance 
function of the Li-kernels from the AMBRALS model (Wanner 
et al., 1995). 
D = Jtan? 6, + tan’ 6, - 2 tan 6, tan O, cos @ (13) 
In case of frame sensors and for reasonably short line scan 
images the incident illumination zenith angle is constant for a 
single frame, so there is no need to consider this angle in the 
BRDF correction and eqn (11) can be used. 
However, to cover larger areas, images are acquired in blocks 
with large overlap (60 % - 80 %) for stereo measurements. In 
order to make use of the redundancy and to ensure the proper 
radiometric matching of consecutive images a sliding window 
technique can be used by sampling the current image together 
with the previous and the following image and invert this set of 
samples to give the modelling function for the middle image. 
Depending on the block size, neighbouring flight lines may 
have considerable time offsets due to the flight planning 
schedule and therefore require considering the sun zenith angle 
as modelling variable. 
(Chandelier et al., 2009) and (Hernandez-Lopez et al., 2011) 
suggest sampling on a regular grid of so-called radiometric tie 
points, followed by an adjustment process and call the 
procedure "radiometric aerotriangulation". 
A first implementation will contain an NDVI-based land mask 
algorithm that prevents water areas from being sampled. This is 
because the water BRDF is of a specular reflectance type which 
is contrary to the land BRDF which is of a hot-spot type. 
2.3.  BRDF correction: Since the reflection process is a 
linear function of irradiance, a multiplicative correction by the 
ratio of the model values at the final geometry to the model 
values at the original geometry is used. 
P.(0,.9)= p(0,)*(R(6.,0)/R(0,,)) ^ a 
where p, p. = observed and corrected reflectance 
R(0, o) = modelled reflectance 
0,= view zenith angle 
6. = correction view zenith angle 
@ = relative azimuth angle 
This paper has given an overview of practical methods to 
correct for radiometric distortions in photogrammetric images 
caused by environmental effects. The idea is to include as much 
physical information as is available into those corrections in 
order to give a true copy of the reality as if it were seen from the 
ground. This information includes absolute radiometric sensor 
calibration, solar position, and haze information. 
As a future step, measured ground spectra can be used to 
perform an in-flight calibration to improve the absolute 
radiometric calibration for remote sensing purposes (i.e adjust 
the calibration factors such that the measured spectra match 
with the spectra of the corresponding atmospherically corrected 
and reflectance calibrated pixels). 
Furthermore a class specific BRDF correction should be 
implemented to better adapt to the specific surface properties. 
Therefore a proper classification has to be made with a special 
treatment of the class boundaries. 
The atmospheric correction could be improved with the 
correction of the local adjacency effect to enhance the contrast 
in the image and also include to correction of topographic 
effects by varying terrain height, surface tilt and change in 
diffuse illumination by the percentage of visible sky. Also a 
shadow correction would be a favourable, but challenging add- 
However, the guideline for the implementation of any new 
feature must be the operational and efficient processing, and 
that no new artefacts are introduced. 
Beisl, U., and Woodhouse, N., 2004. Correction of atmospheric 
and bidirectional effects in multispectral ADS40 images for 
mapping purposes. In: Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens., 
Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. XXXV, Part B7, 5 pp. 
Beisl, U., 2006. Absolute spectroradiometric calibration of the 
ADS40 Sensor. In: Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens., 
Paris, France, Vol. XXXVI, part 1, 5 pp. 
Beisl, U., Telaar, J, and Schônermark, M.v., 2008. 
Atmospheric correction, reflectance calibration and BRDF 
correction for ADS40 image data. In: Int. Arch. Photogramm. 
Remote Sens., Beijing, China, Vol. XXXVII, part B7, pp. 7-12. 
Beisl, U., and Adiguezel, M., 2010. Validation of the 
reflectance calibration of the ADS40 airborne sensor using

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