Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

class ; ; 
area ratio area ratio 
halite(35%)+illite(25%) | 1600 374 1179 275 
+carbonate(20%) 34.4 8.0 22.1 32 
carbonate(40%6) 47.4 11.1 21.0 4.9 
cloud 1.6 0.4 0.7 0.2 
matshland 26.1 6.1 20.1 4.7 
un-classified ISSR - 371 2465 57.6 
Table 1. Comparison of SAM and LSU results of Hyperion 
SeBei Gas 
Field 2 
P SeBei Gas 
i Field 2 
#5 — +carbonate(20%) % arbonate(20%) 
** halite(20%)+illite(40%) halite(20%)+illite(40%)+c 
+carbonate(40%) - arbonate(40%) 
, cloud x 5 cloud 
"S matshland * matshland 
Figure 3. Identification results of alteration minerals with SAM 
Figure 4. Identification results of alteration minerals with LUC 
E halite(35%)+illite(25%)+c 
E arbonate(40%) 
3.1 Study Area and Hyperion Image 
Submarine topography in Liaodong Bay falls from the top, east 
and west side to the centre. The maximum depth of it is 32 m 
and the top of the Bay is connected with Liaohe Plain. 
Liaodong Bay, the submarine of which is gentle, is great 
influenced by the mainland. And lots of rivers pour into it. 
What's more, Liaodong Bay is the third biggest oil and gas field 
in China. The submarine is rich with oil and gas, which lead to 
the significant microseepage. In this paper, four adjacent 
Hyperion images were separately obtained in October 2006 and 
in May 2007(O Hyperion Image Copyright 2006, 2007). These 
images are not only covered with the detected or being 
exploited oil-gas fields, but also included with areas which are 
serious polluted by land-sourced pollutants in the estuary of 
Shuangzi and Daliao River. At last, the reflectance images were 
calculated by the methods in Section 2.3 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
3.2 Spectrum Experiment and Analysis of Oil Slick 
The experiment was conducted in the tranquil gulf which is 
near the estuary of Shuangzi River. The crude oil samples from 
Liaodong Bay were selected as experiment material and 
FieldSpec-FR was chosen as equipment. In the experiment, tiny 
crude oil was dropped into water. Then the oil slick was 
diffused from light yellow, yellow and translucent to iridescent 
(very thin oil slick). To measure the spectrum of different oil 
slick above, FieldSpec-FR was kept with the same angle and 
height during the experiment. Finally, the mean value of three 
spectrums of each oil slick was calculated. 
The result of the spectrums was shown as Figure 5. The 
reflectance of water which was covered with oil slick was 
higher than that without it. The characteristics were more 
obvious in the visible light region (The wavelength is less than 
701nm that corresponding to b1-b7 in Hyperion image). When 
the wavelength is less than 508nm (corresponding to b6 in 
Hyperion image), the reflectance of water which was covered 
with oil slick was higher than sea water, while the slope which 
was indicated the changing rate was lower. Besides, the 
absorption feature was shown gradually in the range of 350nm- 
508nm with the decreasing of the oil slick’s thickness. And the 
characteristic absorption peaks of oil slick reflectance were not 
obvious except in the region of ultraviolet to blue. 
It can be found that the available range of wavebands was 
mainly in visible range. What's more, the range of wavebands 
could be increased to 895nm combining the analysis of the 
curves of Hyperion images. In addition, only 47 bands of 
Hyperion image can be used in our study because of the non- 
calibration bands (Bandl-Band7). 
0.14 [75 
0.12 F ET b-- AverShck 
010 | j A =: A d 
008} 2 4 ; 
7 d 
0.06 - s | - 
- m 4 
0.04 F 
6.02 - 
y ie 
Ai iud. lae Ai d lk dud 
0.00 à 
400 450 500 550 800 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 
Figure 5. Reflectance of the offshore thin oil slicks 
3.3 Extraction of Oil Slick in Liaodong Bay 
Water bodies were first isolated from the four scenes Hyperion 
images. On this basis, spectral angle mapper (SAM) was used to 
extract petroleum hydrocarbon on the sea surface. Then 
according to the analysis, differences of spectral characteristics 
between water which was covered with oil slick and the one 
without it can be reflected on the bands with the central 
wavelength of 426nm, 426nm, 457nm, 487nm, 528nm, 569nm, 
620nm, 650nm, 701nm, 732nm, 783nm, 813nm, 834nm and 
875nm in Hyperion image. Hence, oil slick can be extracted by 
the bands and their combinations above. 
In the oil slick extraction process, average spectrums of 
different oil slick obtained from the experiment were chosen as 
reference spectrums. The spectrums above were first resampled

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