Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

15040 E 150"42'E 150"44'E 150°46'E 150°48°E 150°S0°E 
Re ad x + : 
S vl. t 
150*40'E 150°42'E 150°44'E 150'49'E 150°48°E 150'50'E 
Figure 3. Landsat 5 TM+ images (false colour) acquired on 
3.1 Data processing 
Landsat 5 TM-- images were registered to the same map 
coordinate system (UTM projection, WGS84 datum) and 
resampled to 15m pixel size. The Enhanced Lee Filter with a 
5x5 window size was applied to filter speckle noises in the SAR 
images. SAR backscattered values were converted to decibel 
(dB) by the following equation: 
Db -10xlog,, (DN?) (1) 
where Db, DN are magnitude values. 
Textural data, which provides information on spatial patterns 
and variation of surfaced features, plays an important role in 
image classification (Sheoran et al. 2009). In this work, first- 
and second-order texture measures (grey-level co-occurrence 
matrix or GLCM) were extracted for classification. The First 
Principal Components (PCI) images computed from each of 
multi-date ALOS/PALSAR, ENVISAT/ASAR and Landsat 5 
TM+ image datasets were used for generating multi-scale 
textural information. Finally, three first-order texture measures, 
including Mean, Variance and Data range, and four GLCM 
texture measures, namely Variance, Homogeneity, Entropy and 
Correlation with 4 window sizes 5x5, 9x9, 13x13 and 17x17 
were selected. 
Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVI) images were 
computed from the Red and Near Infrared bands of Landsat 5 
TM- images. Four different combined datasets had been 
generated and applied for the classification processes (Table 2). 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
ID Datasets Nf 
1 | Six-date PALSAR + six-date ASAR images 12 
2 | Three-date Landsat 5 TM images 18 
3 Three-date Landsat 5 TM + six-date PALSAR + 30 
+ six-date ASAR images 
Three-date Landsat 5 TM + six-date PALSAR + 17 
4 | six-date ASAR + Landsat 5 TM & SAR’s textures 3 
+ three-date NDVI images 
Table 2. Combined datasets for land cover classification in 
Appin area; Nf is number of input features. 
3.2 Classification 
Three non-parametric classifiers are employed for classification 
processes, including Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with a 
Back Propagation algorithm (BP), Kohonen Self-Organizing 
Map (SOM) and the Support Vector Machine (SVM). 
Artificial neural network (ANN) 
Artificial Neural Networks are nonparametric method which has 
been used largely in remote sensing, particularly for 
classification (Tso and Mather 2009, Bruzzone et al. 2004). 
The Multi Layer Perception (MLP) model using the Back 
Propagation (BP) algorithm is the most well-known and 
commonly used ANN classifiers. The ANN classifier often 
provides higher classification accuracy than the traditional 
parametric classifiers. (Dixon and Candade 2008, Kavzoglu 
and Mather 2003). In this study, we used the MLP-BP model 
with three layers including input, hidden and output layer. The 
number of neurones in the input layer is equal to a number of 
input features, the number of neurones in output layer is a 
number of land cover classes to be classified. The optimal 
number of input neurones and a number of neurones in the 
hidden layer was searched by GA techniques. We used the 
sigmoid function as a transfer function. The other important 
parameters were set as follows: Maximum number of iteration: 
1000; learning rate: 0.01-0.1; training momentum: 0.9. The 
classification were run using the Matlab 2010b ANN toolbox. 
Self-Organizing Map Classifier (SOM) 
The Self-Organizing Map (SOM), which was developed by the 
Tewu Kohonen in 1982, is another popular neural network 
classifier. The SOM network has unique property that it can 
automatically detects (self-organizing) the relationships within 
the set of input patterns without using any predefined data 
models (Salah et al. 2009, Tso and Mather 2009). Previous 
studies revealed that SOM are effective method for classifying 
remotely sensed data (Salah et al. 2009, Lee and Lathrop 2007). 
In this work, the input layer is dependent on different input 
datasets. The output layer of SOM was a two dimension array of 
15x15 of neurons (total 225 neurons). The neurones in the input 
layer and output layer are connected by synaptic weights which 
are randomly assigned within a range of 0 to 1. 
Support Vector Machines (SVM) 
SVM is also a favourite non-parametric classifier. This is a 
recently developed technique and is considered as a robust and 
reliable in the field of machine learning and pattern recognition 
(Waske and Benediksson, 2007, Kavzoglu and Colkesen 2009). 
SVM separates two classes by determining an optimal hyper- 
plane that maximises the margin between these classes in a 
multi-dimensional feature space (Kavzoglu and Colkesen 2009). 
Only the nearest training samples — namely ‘support vectors’ in 
the training datasets are used to determine the optimal hyper- 
plane. As the algorithm only considers samples close to the 
class boundary it works well with small training sets, even when 
high-dimensional datasets are being classified. The SVMs have 
been applied successfully in many studies using remote sensed 
imagery. In these studies the SVMs often provided better (or at 
least at same level of) accuracy as other classifiers (Waske and 
Benedikson, 2007). In this work, the SVM classifier with a 
Gausian radical basis function (RBF) kernel has been used 
because of its highly effective and robust capabilities for 
handling of remote sensing data (Kavzoglu and Colkesen 2009). 
Two parameters need to be optimally specified in order to 
ensure the best accuracy: the penalty parameter C and the width 
of the kernel function y. These values will be determined by the 
GA algorithm while searching for optimal combined datasets.

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