Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

image bands which make in evidence the abundance of specific 
categories of land cover types such as vegetation, built-up area, 
wet lands, etc, in order to reduce the effects of environment 
and then the “noise” due to the mixture between different 
classes. These procedures also provide subtle spectral- 
reflectance or colour differences between surface materials that 
are often difficult to detect in a standard image. Linear Spectral 
Unmixing (LSU) technique has been used to determine the 
relative abundance of specific categories of coverage of the 
soil, according to the spectral characteristics of the materials, 
through the use of the original multispectral images composed 
of six bands (blue, green, red, near infrared and two middle 
infrared bands) The reflectance of a pixel in the image is 
considered as a linear combination of the reflectance of each 
land cover class present within the pixel itself. The larger the 
pixel, the more the mixture of materials occurs. Since the 
spectrum of a pixel a weighted average of the quantity of a 
material for the spectrum of the material, the use of this 
technique allows to generate new images in which a specific 
category of use of soil is discriminated and highlighted with 
high brightness. For this investigation, LSU it has been applied 
twice, based on two different spectral libraries each one based 
on three categories: urban, industrial, and soil (Figure 2). The 
LSU process provides a total of six layers. 
Figure 2. Spectral libraries used to make Linear Spectral 
Tasseled cap vegetation index, for Landsat TM 5 data, was 
employed to perform an orthogonal transformation of the 
original data into three factors: Brightness, Greenness, and 
Third. Brightness consists of the soil brightness index (SBI), 
Greenness is the green vegetation index (GVI), while the third 
component is related to soil features, including moisture status. 
The concept of tasseled cap transformation is a useful tool for 
compressing spectral data into a few bands associated with 
physical scene characteristics (Crist and Cicone 1984). In order 
to transform multispectral data into a single image band which 
enhances the vegetation distribution, the NDVI (Normalized 
Difference Vegetation Index), the Atmospherically Resistant 
Vegetation Index (ARVI), and the Enhanced Vegetation Index 
(EVI) were used. The NDVI transformation, obtained as 
Band4-Band3/Band4+Band3, indicates the amount of green 
vegetation present in a pixel. Higher NDVI values indicate 
more green vegetation. ARVI is an enhancement to the NDVI 
that is relatively resistant to atmospheric factors (for example, 
aerosol). It uses the reflectance in blue to correct the red 
reflectance for atmospheric scattering. The value of this index 
ranges from -1 to 1. The common range for green vegetation is 
0.2 to 0.8 (Kaufman and Tanre, 1996). EVI was developed to 
improve the NDVI by optimizing the vegetation signal in Leaf 
Area Index (LAI) regions by using the blue reflectance to 
correct for soil background signals and reduce atmospheric 
influences, including aerosol scattering. This VI is therefore 
most useful in LAI regions, where the NDVI may saturate. The 
value of this index ranges from -1 to 1. The common range for 
green vegetation is 0.2 to 0.8 (Huete et al. 1997). The 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Normalized Difference Soil Index (NDSI) was used because 
gives a more reliable estimation in a case of exposed soil 
conditions. This index is formulated to portray the characteristic 
of responses from soil other than vegetation or water (Kasimu 
and Tateishi 2010) and can be helpful to discriminate deciduous 
broad-leaved forest and dry land with sparse crop. A simple 
logic expression by combining 4-3 was used to enhance 
residential areas information, since this composite index allows 
an ideal effect to extract urban built-up land (XU H. Q. 2005). 
We found out useful another simple expression such as TM4- 
TM3 in order to discriminate between Built-up area, soils and 
vegetation. The Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) is 
generally used to minimize the effects of soil background. 
Similarly to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, the 
near infrared and red bands are used in the calculation, but with 
the addition of an adjustment factor (L), which varies between 
zero and one (Crocetto and Tarantino 2009). According to Qi et 
al. (1994) for this work we have used the Modified SAVI 
(MSAVI) which appears to be a more sensitive indicator of 
vegetation amount by raising the vegetation signal and 
simultaneously lowering soil-induced variations. It also were 
used two normalized water indices: the Normalized Difference 
Water Index (NDWI) and the Modified NDWI. The NDWI 
(McFeeters 1996) works in the same manner as the NDVI 
transformation used to map vegetation. This index produces a 
single gray-scale image where water is brighter. While the 
NDWI works with bands 2 and 4, the modified NDWI 
(MNDWI) takes into account band 2 and band 5 (Xu 2006). 
The computation of the MNDWI will produce three results: (1) 
water will have greater positive values than in the NDWI as it 
absorbs more MIR light than NIR light; (2) built-up land will 
have negative values as mentioned above; and (3) soil and 
vegetation will still have negative values as soil reflects MIR 
light more than NIR light (Jensen 2004). In order to improve 
the discrimination between impervious land cover categories, 
and bare soils, it appears to be really useful the use of the 
texture analysis. Taking into account that, within an image are 
present different regions characterized by a variation of 
brightness, the texture analysis refers to the spatial variation of 
the brightness and as a function of the scale. In order that a 
given area can be discriminated for different characteristics of 
texture, the gray levels within the area must have a high level of 
homogeneity between them. Co-occurrence-based texture filter 
was used in this study, which provides mean, variance, 
homogeneity, contrast, dissimilarity, entropy, second moment, 
and correlation. Co-occurrence measures use a gray-tone spatial 
dependence matrix to calculate texture values. This is a matrix 
of relative frequencies with which pixel values occur in two 
neighbouring processing windows separated by a specified 
distance and direction. It shows the number of occurrences of 
the relationship between a pixel and its specified neighbour’. It 
is also taken into account the orographic component of the 
territory through the use of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 
at 30m resolution, and the slope measured in degrees and 
calculated on the DEM. It was so obtained a final set of 28 
layers also by using the three infra red bands of Landsat: Band 
4, band 5, band 7, LSU 1 and LSU 2, Tasselled Cap, NDVI, 
LSU 2, Slope, DEM. To increase the divisibility between 
different group objects, all the indices were stretched to the 
range from 0 to 255 (Lin et al. 2010), which appears to be also 
advantageous to visualize the different behaviours of the 
categories for different indices. 
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