Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Table 2. Accuracy assessment of summer 2010 classification 
(major classes only) 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
crop types. For summer, cotton and sorghum were considered 
as the major crops and crops like sunflower, mung beans, 
of 78% (k = 0.7) (Table 4). 
millets and fodder crops were grouped into a class called other 
crops. The SVM model generated classified the image into 
these broadacre crop types (Figure 6) with an overall accuracy 
Classes Reference 
Fallow Crop Pasture Woody Total 
Fallow 68 7 1 0 76 
= Crop 30 369 23 6 428 
3 Pasture 1 0 14 1 16 
S Woody 0 0 0 38 38 
© Total 99 376 38 45 558 
Overall accuracy = 87% 
Kappa coefficient (k) = 0.73 
Lower classification accuracy in the case of summer data could 
be attributed mainly to two reasons. During summer, there was 
more classification error between crop and pasture. High 
amount of rainfall during the summer growing season causes a 
significant increase in vegetative growth in pasture areas and 
this in turn could make it difficult to distinguish these areas 
from cropping, spectrally. The second reason could be the 
noticeably higher cloud cover during the summer. It may be 
noted that EVI range is observed to be the most important input 
variable for SVM modelling and cloud-affected pixels could 
decrease the number pixels available for EVI range estimation 
over the growing season. Further, a separate analysis, carried 
out by omitting training data sets over cloud-affected pixels, 
indicated the accuracy could be as high as 95 % (k = 0.9). The 
(Crop type 
HE Cotton 
I Sorghum * 
RS Other crop: 
Figure 6. Classification of broad acre crop types for summer 
2010 and winter 2011 
Table 4. Accuracy assessment of summer 2010 classification of 
MLC was applied on the same dataset and the results clearly crop types 
revealed that SVM techniques not only produced superior Classes Reference 
classification accuracy, but also generated a neater and i Cotton Fallow Other crops Pasture Sorghum Woody Total 
speckle-free image (Figure 5). Cotton 162 6 8 5 16 2 19 
EN — Fallow 1 72 4 1 2 0 80 
Other crops 0 2 7 0 0 0 9 
+  Pasture 0 2 2 20 0 1 25 
£ Sorghum 19 17 23 12 132 1 204 
& _Woody 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 
©. Total 182 99 44 38 150 45 558 
Overall accuracy = 78% 
Kappa coefficient (k) = 0.70 
Similarly, SVM models were generated for separating 
broadacre crop types for winter 2011 (Figure 6). Major crop 
types identified were barley and wheat. Crops like chick pea, 
and fodder were grouped into other crops. Winter crop type 
classification accuracy was again found to be slightly higher 
SVM - object based classification Maximum Likelihood classification (79%, k= 0.73) than that of summer (Table 3). 
Figure 5. Comparison of Support Vector Machines and Table 5. Accuracy assessment of winter 2011 classification of 
Maximum Likelihood Classified images crop types 
Table 3. Accuracy assessment of winter 2011 classification Class Reference 
(major classes only) Bg Barley Fallow Other crops Pasture Wheat Woody _ Total 
Barley 14 0 3 0 2 0 20 
Classes Reference Fallow 0 70 0 0 0 0 70 
Fallow Crop Pasture Woody Total Other crops 6 0 11 0 3 0 20 
Fallow 70 0 0 0 70 3 Pasture 3 0 11 178 7 12 211 
3 Crop 0 244 4 4 274 = Wheat 30 0 27 6 134 0 197 
= Pasture 0 1 158 8 167 3 Woody 0 0 2 0 2 78 80 
= Woody 0 1 0 78 79 © Total 50 70 54 184 0 90 598 
© "Total 70 246 184 90 590 Overall accuracy = 79% 
Overall accuracy = 93% 
Kappa coefficient (k) = 0.90 
This project aims to develop operational methods for crop type 
classification for Queensland. In pursuit of this, a preliminary 
investigation was attempted to classify broadacre crop types for 
both crop seasons. For summer 2010, the crop class mapped in 
the first phase (Table 2 and ) was further classified to different 
Kappa coefficient (k) = 0.73 
Developing operational methods for the assessment of crop 
distribution is crucial for the effective implementation of 
agricultural policies. For example, the State Government of 
Queensland, Australia, passed the Strategic Cropping Land 
(SCL) Bill in December 2011 to protect land that is highly 
suitable for cropping, manage the impacts of development on

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