Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Table 1. Accuracy evaluation of mixed-pixel spectral decomposition of the CNP MODIS imagery 
Sensor Name Spatial resolution Mean Variance absolute error Relative Error 
(m) (%) (%)) (%) (%) 
EOS-MODIS 250 24.1295 59.1619 
CBERS02-CCD 19.5 23.9752 29.8883 A tac 
gm me ] and significant degree of correlation, etc.) of a study region, 
0. 0050 IE Rs based on the Moran's / and Geary's C and semivariogram 
0040 A analysis. In this study, the corresponding absolute change rates 
0030 — nme — — |a GearysC, | of the Moran's /, Geary's C and semivariogram representing the 
£7 0.0020 EG CNP's spatial structure characteristics have the decreasing trend 
0. 0010 Re T along a horizontal axis direction (See Figure 3), whereas there 
00007 > AT exists a greatly distinct turning point nearby at a lag of 7.5km 
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 . . * ; . . 
Lag (km) and then their changes in size is very small, which indicates that 
Figure 2. First order differences of means of local spatial 
autocorrelation (Getis ord G;, Moran's I;, Geary's C;) under 
difference spatial-sampling grains in the CNP, based on the 
fraction of winter-wheat planting area in each pixel (RIP/RIV) 
that is an important reference factor for sample point size 
design of spatial sampling. In addition, it was thinking of the 
spatial structuring and resolution of available MODIS images of 
the CNP and real feasibility of spatial sampling that the scale 
750mx750 was determined as an optimal (optimum) sample- 
point size in spatial sampling of winter wheat area estimation of 
this study. This is consistent with the sample-point size of 
500mx500m that is adopted currently in the actual cropland 
area remote sensing operation monitoring of winter wheat in 
North China plain. Given the research results, we may 
appropriately improve the existing sampling designs and 
implementing solutions so as to reduce the cost of spatial 
sampling for crop remote sensing monitoring and improve the 
spatial sampling efficiencies. 
4.2 Determining Sample Point Distances 
Distances between sample points (namely, sample-point distances) 
are important elements of spatial sampling design and can set up a 
set of sample points in all sampling space to a certain extent to be 
characterized and determine the implementation characteristics of 
corresponding spatial sampling. For example, distances of sample 
points, if too small, are likely to present the strong spatial 
correlations and then lower the adequately random characteristics 
of samples which are necessary of probability spatial sampling; 
being under certain sample size conditions, if too large, there are 
some difficulties to lay sample points in a sampling space, or, 
deficiencies that aren't able to effectively use a priori knowledge or 
information (e.g., its spatial structuring) or fully represent the entire 
population features with samples (even though only using simple 
probability sampling methods). Hence, there are inevitably larges 
deviations between the sampling results and real populations and 
they further lower the efficiencies of spatial sampling. As a result, 
we should not only settle rational sample-point sizes but also 
arrange them being divided with reasonable intervals (i.e., sample- 
point distances), especially based on the minimum optimum 
intervals that are derived from spatial structuring in a sampling 
population space and the most foundational control requirement of 
implementing spatial sampling. 
global spatial autocorrelation analysis of the 
RIP(s)/RIV(s) of objects of sampling space is an useful method 
to explore the total spatial structure characteristics (including 
average correlation of and spatial distribution pattern of objects, 
sensitivities of this change trend are falling down along with 
increasing lags (i.e., separating distances among spatial objects). 
Besides, another distinct turning point appears at a lag of 
22.5km, whereafter this trends to a more random stationary 
status. Consequently, we could settle the separating distances 
(from about 7.5 to 22.5km) as the sample-point distances 
because they were able to reach the pre-requisite minimum 
distances among sample points to reduce their spatial 
correlations to enough small degree and satisfy probability- 
sample random of and meanwhile, simultaneity certain 
accuracy requirements of spatial sampling. The results are 
consistent with the set sample-point distances (about 20~30km) 
of the current large-area operating spatial sampling survey of 
crop remote sensing monitoring in China North. 
0. 06 Lower optimum minimum upper optimum minimum 
sample-point distance ample point distance 
t i 1 
Aa, | Gear's C increment i 
We tt roe, gone 
Y rade gente grep ptt rea dt etit 
0.02 9 10 15 20 1 25 30 
0. 04 Moran's increment 
-0. 06 * 
(Distance Unit km) 
Semivariance(^1) - Semivarianceti) 
Lower optimum minimum 
samplc-point distancc 
upper optimum minimum 
sample-point distance 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 
(Distance Unit: km) 
Figure 3. First order differences of (a) global spatial 
autocorrelation (Moran's I, Geary's C) and (b) semivariance 
with sample-point separating distances, respectively 
4.3 Spatial Sampling by Stratifying Spatial Autocor- 
relation Statistics 
Given that we determined 750mx750m as an optimum pre- 
sample-point scale in the CNP, now the RIP/RIV (ie, 
percentage of winter wheat planting area in each pixel) 
distributing maps in spatial resolution of 750mx750m served as 
the basic operated data by aggregating the baseline MODIS 
images (with spatial resolution of 250mx250m). Through local 
spatial autocorrelation analysis with the Moran’s /,, Geary's C; 
and Getis ord G; (or 6;, the results were obtained and 
appropriately stratified, respectively. We could thus determine 
the corresponding average minimum sample-point distances of 

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