International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
(c) Lidar Height-based Features
Figure 2. Overview of features from lidar and orthoimagery
To assess the effectiveness of Random Forests in feature
selection, three experiments are conducted. First one is focusing
on variable importance by importing all features into Random
Forests; second, recursive feature selection with Random
Forests is conducted to searching most important features for
the satisfied classification results; finally, classification results
using features selected by Random Forests is performed.
3.1 Variable importance results
The variable importance for training samples is displayed in
Figure 3 for each feature when all features are put in the
Random Forests. The variable importance is demonstrated by
the mean decrease permutation accuracy. As can be seen in the
figure, among those 48 features it appears that the most relevant
features include nDSM, eigenvalue-based anisotropy, intensity
GLCM measures, etc. For the aerial image-based features
GLCM measures such as Ent., Corr, and Var. are not important
for urban classification.
3.2 Feature selection results
To eliminate less important and more correlated features,
iterative backward elimination scheme is used (Diaz-Uriarte and
Alvarez de Andres, 2006). We first compute measures of feature
importance to obtain an initial variable ranking and then
proceed with an iterative backward elimination of the least
important variables. In each iteration the least important
features (by default, 20%) are eliminated, and a new RF is built
by training with the remaining features for the assessment of
OOB errors based on OOB samples. The iterative procedure
proceeds until the final features with the lowest OOB errors are
determined for the land-use classification. In this study the
number of trees (T) is set up 100-200, and the number of split
variables is 4. Generally, the default setting of split variables is
a good choice of OOB rate. Using OOB errors, the original 48
features are gradually eliminated up to 15 features. Meanwhile,
as can be seen in Figure 4,the mean decrease accuracy is
increasing with the decrease of numbers of features. The left
fifteen features includes Lidar-NDVI, lidar height-based
measures eigenvalue-Anistropy, nDSM, P-Normalized-Var,
Height-Diff; Lidar intensity-based GLCM-Var., -Mean, and -SM,
and aerial image-based GLCM-Homo and -Diss.
Based on these features from 48 to 15, maximum likelihood
classifiers are used to get the classification results, as can be
shown in The Figure 5. A classification error matrix (confusion
matrix) is an effective way to quantitatively assess accuracy in
that it compares the relationship between known reference data
and the corresponding results of the classification (Congalton,
1991). Kappa coefficient measures the accuracy between
classification result and reference data using the major diagonal
and the chance agreement (Jensen, 2005). From the Kappa
coefficients, the classification accuracy is not improved with the
increase of features. On the contrary, their classification
accuracies are decreasing. The reason is that much more
features are correlated than that of features with the significant
important index.