Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
first-principle method. Its model principle process is shown in 
Figure l(c: ITT Visual Information Solutions (ITT VIS), 
*ENVI User's Guide, Version 4.8"). 
HIS or —> Bright 
MSI data spectral 
: Y 
tion of Average of 
baseline end member 
channel/ Y 
offset) Determin Average 
Y ation of |g of 
gain reference 
Baseline end 
deduction member 
A ; Recovery of reflection 
Vegetation data by using gain and 
filter offset 
of end member 
Figure 1. Flow chart of QUAC model 
QUAC also needs the elevation angle of the sun and center 
wavelength. If the sensor has no correct radiation or 
wavelength calibration, or the sun light intensity (when there is 
cloud deck) is unknown, correction can still be made with this 
method within the allowed accuracy scope. 
3.3 Analysis of effect of atmospheric correction 
In order to evaluate and verify the effects of atmospheric 
correction which Model FLAASH and Model QUAC have on 
SPOT-5 remote sensing image, a contrastive analysis shall be 
made respectively for the images of both models after and 
before the correction in the aspect of sight and spectral curve of 
surface features reflectance. The images (geometric correction 
has been finished) before and after the atmospheric correction 
need geographical link first to ensure that the images of various 
scenes correspond to the same pixel in the same area when 
making the contrastive analysis. 
3.3.1 Analysis of visual contrast before and after correction: 
In Figure 2, a, b, c is respectively the image in the same region 
after twice magnification before the atmospheric correction, 
after the FLAASH atmospheric correction and the QUAC 
atmospheric correction, and band RGB combination is 4, 3, 2. 
We can see that there are obvious changes in visual effects of 
the image before and after the correction, darker for a on the 
whole, because the presence of the atmosphere will reduce the 
difference between light and dark of surface features to reduce 
contrast ratio of the images; visual effect of image after the 
correction has been improved significantly, brighter and clearer, 
contrast ratio also increased and image quality improved, 
indicating that atmospheric correction has effectively 
eliminated the effect of atmospheric aerosols, water vapor and 
other atmospheric factors. In contrast, image quality of b 
(through FLAASH atmospheric correction) is slightly better 
than c (through QUAC atmospheric correction) due to more 
abundant information. 
a: b e 
Figure 2. Visual analysis of atmospheric correction 
3.3.2 Contrastive analysis of reflectance spectral curve: 
Characteristics of reflectance spectrum curve are an important 
means for the recognition of remote sensing image surface 
features. From the visual angle, only a rough evaluation can be 
made on the effects of the two atmospheric correction models, 
and making a contrast analysis of reflectance spectral curve of 
its corresponding typical surface features can reflect the effect 
of atmospheric correction better. 
The study area of this trial is typically hilly area in southern 
China; data acquisition time is in November; the image 
presented mainly small ponds, the harvested farmlands and 
several scattered hills; and most of the surface is soil. Therefore, 
soil, vegetation, water body (pond water) and asphalt road are 
selected respectively as the surface type of pixel. As shown in 
Figure 3, a, b, c, d are respectively the figures of soil, 
vegetation, water bodies and asphalt road, four typical surface 
features, after FLAASH atmospheric correction, after QUAC 
atmospheric correction and of actual measurement reflectance 
0.32 T 
—+— QUAC : 
03¢ FLA ASH ES ey t tt n - 
Measured : 
0.281 r$ Reflectance SE nase 
5 Bo ee ; ae ; RANE ei ] 
$ 024| AL AE AE p^ us En Bees 
Gt À en ES : mae Lo] 
05 1 15 2 
a. Soil 

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