Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

From expressions (2) and (3), we can obtain: 
log, O(D | E, ) = log, O(D)+ Ww, 
log, O(D | E,) - log, O(D)- W; (4) 
Similarly, if more than two evidence maps are used, they can be 
added by assuming that all the evidence maps are also 
conditionally independent with respect to the occurrence of a 
class. Therefore, we can obtain, 
log, O(D | E! E: E!) - log, O(D)- Y W/ 
e ne 
where the superscript & refers to the presence or absence of the 
evidence, respectively. 
As mentioned previously, the WOE assumes that all the 
evidence patterns are conditionally independent. However, in 
most applications, = evidence patterns are conditionally 
dependent. Thus, posterior probability estimates by directly 
using WOE are likely to be biased upwards when this 
assumption is violated. In this study, we adopted a modified 
WOE model, which is called the conditional dependence 
adjusted weights of evidence (CDAWE) (Deng, 2009), to 
correct the bias using the correlation structure of the evidence 
2.2 Fusion of multi-sensor data for land cover classification 
In this study, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) was first 
applied on different data to produce land cover classification 
results. The SVM classifier is a recently developed statistical 
learning method, which has been widely used in remote sensing 
image classification and showed very good performance (e.g., 
Gualtieri and Cromp, 1998; Huang et al., 2002; Melgani and 
Bruzzone, 2004). The obtained urban classification results were 
then fused by weights of evidence model. The estimation of 
conditional probability for each class is crucially important, 
since it directly related to the weight of each evidential map. In 
this study, the intermediate classification results derived from the 
SVM classification, i.e. posterior probability of classification, 
either from classification rule image as in ENVI or using the 
method proposed by Platt (2000) were used as the initial 
conditional probability of each class. Since classification results 
from different data show different accuracies (i.e. class 
reliability), final conditional probability for each class is 
obtained by combining conditional probability from the initial 
classification and class reliability (i.e. class accuracy). Since the 
conventional weights of evidence method is defined for one- 
class extraction (e.g. mineral occurrence), in order to extend it to 
multi-class classification, the weights of evidence method was 
first used in classification to produce a posterior probability for 
each class, and then the class for each pixel is estimated by 
taking the most probable class of the posterior distribution (i.e. 
with highest posterior probability). 
The proposed method was evaluated and validated in land cover 
classification using two examples. The first example includes 
Landsat TM and multitemporal ENVISAT ASAR data, 
covering Beijing urban-suburban area, China. The second 
example includes Landsat ETM+ and SPOT 5 multispectral 
images of Hengshui area of Hebei Province, China. Landsat 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
TM/ETM+ and ENVISAT ASAR data have a 30m spatial 
resolution, whereas the SPOT 5 data have a 10 m spatial 
resolution (band 4 has 20 m spatial resolution). 
Results showed that the combination of multi-sensor data using 
weights of evidence model produced higher classification 
accuracy than the use of single data alone. For example, for 
Beijing area, combined classification based on WOE produced 
41.72% and 3.22% of increase in Kappa coefficient, compared 
with those from SAR and TM images, respectively (Table 1). 
For Hengshui area, combined classification based on WOE 
produced 7.08% and 6.22% of increase in Kappa coefficient, 
compared with those from ETM+ and SPOT 5 images, 
respectively (Table 2). It seems that when two individual 
classification results show comparable accuracy, the increase in 
classification accuracy (both overall accuracy and Kappa 
coefficient) produced by WOE based decision fusion is more 
significant (i.e. in Table 2). 
Figures 1 and 2 show portions of classifications using 
difference data combinations for two examples. From these 
figures, WOE effectively fused the classification results from 
different results. For example, salt-pepper appearance was 
significantly reduced. 
A decision fusion method based on the weights of evidence 
model was proposed in this study and evaluated in land cover 
classification using two different es. Results showed that the 
combination of different data using weights of evidence model 
in land cover classification produced significantly higher 
accuracy (both overall accuracy and Kappa) than the use of 
single source of data alone. 
In conclusion, the weights of evidence model provides an 
effective decision fusion method for improved land cover 
classification using multi-sensor data. 
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