Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

peatland in both global land cover data sets. It may, therefore, 
suggest that the precision wetland water based on computer 
automatic extraction methods could meet the demands of 
research at the global scale. However, the very low precision of 
identification of peatland means that there are still substantial 
uncertainties in these wetland-related landcover types data 
when used directly as wetland type data; on the other hand, 
improvements in the classification algorithms related to 
peatland extraction should be made in the future. 
(II) The agreement between the GLC2000 data and reference 
data is higher than that of MODIS data and reference data from 
both the class area and the spatial location. This is possibly 
because of the different classification algorithms between the 
global data sets. Since the GLC2000 is developed by the 
coordination of the more than 30 groups, utilizing different 
classification algorithms, different evaluation methods and 
various regional schemes from region to region, the precision 
of GLC2000 is available at regional scale. In comparison, the 
MODIS global landcover data set is generated at global scales 
aiming at various global research areas including climate 
change, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem assessment, and 
environmental modeling and they adopt the uniform 
classification algorithm for the convenience of periodic 
updating. Therefore, the MODIS data set is more practical for 
research at global scale. 
The class-specific accuracies of 38.1% and 45.9% in the 
MOD12Q1 and GLC2000’ peatlands by Herold et. al(Herold et 
al., 2008) have been calculated from the original samples using 
documented theory for stratified random sampling and 
considering the map area proportions for each class. Given the 
different samples and validation frameworks, it is inappropriate 
to compare the absolute numbers of accurate directly. 
(IIT) The main reasons for low precision in these two global 
land cover products include (a)the different aims of various 
products and therefore the inconsistent wetland definitions 
in their systems; (b) the coarse spatial resolution of satellite 
images used in global data, which leads to the existence of 
substantial mixed pixels that could greatly, reduce the 
classification precision of global data sets especially for 
fragmentized and heterogeneous landscapes; (c) Discrepancies 
among the image data used in global data sets and reference 
data. Because of the highly dynamic characteristics of wetlands, 
the difference in image acquisition date usually leads to 
discrepancies among data sets, especially in areas with distinct 
seasonal variation. 
Much more attention must be paid during the application of 
existing global land cover products in global /wetland-related 
research due to their low precisions. At the same time, it is 
necessary to develop wetland-specific landcover classification 
schemes and image classification methods by using 
multi-sources and multi-classifiers in future. 
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Cracknell. This work was funded by the National High-tech 
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