Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

1.2 The Time Series Analyses: Significance and System 
Time-series analysis has been widely used in the area of global 
climate change. This type of analysis is categorized as 
environmental statistics (Smith, 1999). Dealing with time series 
data, there are several typical questions one might want to 
know such as identifying the time focus dependence of certain 
climate condition, recognizing pattern, forecasting phenomena, 
search or establish mitigation strategy based on identified 
parameters or variables and finally time series analysis is also 
the type of analysis that lead to other significance analysis 
based on the acclaimed correlations. As for Malaysia, our 
typical Monsoons (2 inter-monsoons and 2 main monsoons) 
can be the time focus dependence. 
Climate change studies that involves time series analyses 
revolves in the issues of precipitation, and urban heat island 
(Cicek and Turkoglu 2005; Dixon and Mote 2010; Ghazanfari 
et al. 2009; Kishtawal et al. 2010). Recognition of pattern will 
enable hierarchical classification scheme over a large set of 
data. This recognition allowed researcher to perform predictive 
analyses. The bases of predictive results are usually based on 
spatial pattern, changes pattern, movement pattern etc. 
The change in urban albedo has significant impact on the 
evolution of UHI, thus yielding a more reasonable intensity of 
UHI relative to the actually observed value. Ducham and 
Hamm (2006) plotted daily albedo with respect to the daily 
precipitation and NDVI and their time series analyses indicate 
that the dependency of albedo on precipitation is relatively 
In due respect to the above information, being such an 
important element in our climate condition and realizing the 
importance of knowing its pattern in monitoring and mitigating 
strategies for adapting or securing our environment as it is 
mentioned in (Bala et al. 2007; Lawrence and Chase 2010) it is 
an urge to identify the albedo pattern changes of Malaysia. This 
finding will become handy to the local climate researcher in 
order to improvise or maybe calibrate any of the climate 
models available to suits Malaysia climate conditions. 
2.1 Study Area 
MODIS land surface product MCD43A3 at horizontal tile 38 
and vertical tile 08 is downloaded via Land Process Distributed 
Active Archived Center (LPDAAC) website. These images 
were been processed every 8 daily sinusoidal at 500m spatial 
resolution. The grid covers west part of Malaysia which also 
known as Peninsular Malaysia. Its area is 131,598 square 
kilometers (50,810 square miles). It shares a land border with 
Thailand in the north (Figure 1). 
Malaysia is one of the countries classified as tropical climate 
where hot and humid are the common characters. The average 
air temperature ranges from 20°C — 35?C and occasionally 
exceeded 35?C depending on the variation of Monsoons. The 
Peninsular Malaysia experiencing quite a remarkable monsoon 
variation. Notably along the coastline area where and extreme 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
events of rainfall and flood can be expected during specific 
Y Legend 
ERE Wang Valey 
EZ] istrict Boundary LT hen 
0. 39500 75.000 153.003 
Figure 1. The Peninsular Malaysia 
2.2 Data Retrieval and Acquisition 
The familiarization of MODIS data can simply be done through 
visiting the http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/index.php website. One 
has to be familiar with its spectral, spatial and temporal 
resolution. As each of its products have their very own 
specification. MODIS temporal resolution varies in term of what 
kind of information one wants to retrieve. For example, the land 
surface albedo product (MCD43A43) is available at sixteen 
daily coverages while the land cover data (MCD12Q1) is 
available yearly. Therefore, the specification recognition and 
familiarization is importance at the beginning in order to avoid 
mistakes in data acquisition process. 
There are four experts software are used in this study. Two of 
them are commercially off the shelf scientific software known as 
ArcGIS 9.3 and ERDAS Imagine 9.1. ArcGIS 9.3 is used to 
process the spatial data and for mapping purposes. The spatial 
interpolation technique is conducted using this software. Erdas 
Imagine 9.1 mainly used for satellite image processing such as 
image density slicing, classification and conversion. 
The other two tools are the 6S code and the MRT Tools. The 6S 
code is an application develops to simulate the solar radiation 
on the ground and in the atmosphere (Kotchenova and Vermote 
2007; Kotchenova et al. 2006). The 6S stand for Second 
Simulation of a Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum is a basic 
code Radiative Transfer (RT) code. This code used for 
calculation of lookup tables in MODIS atmospheric correction 
algorithm (Justice et al. 2002; Vermote et al. 2002). This code is 
chose as it is not restricted to specific sensor, test site and object 
class which is very important when some parameters are 
impossible or difficult to obtain (Zhao et al. 2001). 
The MRT Tools 4.0 was released in February 2008. It is a 
product in collaboration of Land Processes DAAC USGS Earth 
Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center with the 
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science South 
Dakota School of Mines and Technology. This software is used 

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