Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
other fallow : ; buildin 
classes corn garden woodland meadow sand mountain saline desert water 
corps land 
a 538 321 
Training samples 5 1615 495 679 1642 1483 7 4810 4690 3612 587 805 
lidati 280 224 
ha 1056 2295: 335 1180 — 1176 3202 2146 2484 327 479 
samples 4 6 
882 546 
sum s 2671 724 1014 2822 2659 3 8012 6836 | 6096 914 1284 
Table. 1 Training and Validation Samples 
other fallow - : buildin 
classes corn garden woodland meadow sand mountain saline desert water 
corps land g 
Classification with 
: 86.2% 58.9% 62.1% 60.3% 83.1% 79.2% 85.4% 73.1% 77.7% 83.6% 872% 91.2% 
Single TM 
Classification by 
95290 732% 782% 68.8% 91.2% 91.7% 932% 88.9% 92.7% 88.5% 96.8% 98.6% 
presented method 
Table. 2 Statistical Errors for the Two Algorithms 
A new classification model for active and passive remote 
sensing data is developed in this paper. In the model, a 
classifier based on the Bayesian theory and MRF is set up, 
ASAR in VV, VH polarization and 7 bands of TM are taken as 
the input of the classifier. The validation by field measurements 
shows that: 
1) The classification model based on Bayesian and MRF in this 
paper not only need not to assume the conditional probability 
density function in advance, but also joining the spatial 
correlation of the class labels, the model can get a better 
classification accuracy of 89.4%. 
2) Comparing with the Classification with single TM, the total 
precision of classification by active and passive remote sensing 
increase 11.5%, it shows the integration of TM and ASAR data 
can increase the information of the surface objects, make them 
easier to distinguish, and finally reach a better classification 
The study area is a typical ‘oasis-desert’ dual ecological 
environment in the paper, and terrain of the oasis is relatively 
flat. These are conductive to identify and classify the objects in 
ASAR image. But when the study area is selected a densely 
populated plains or urban areas, the accuracy of classification 
by active and passive remote sensing data needs to be further 
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This work is supported by the National Science Foundation for 
Young Scientists of China (Grant number: 41101321) and the 
Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar 
Program (2009BAG18B01and 2012BAH28B03). 

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