Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

possible to individuate target points on vanishing lines; in this 
case you can use a coarse cross-correlation to derive the 
transformation of the known targets (if you have four points and 
two vanishing lines). Thus, after processing of the second 
image, the cross-correlation can be performed with subpixel 
accuracy (Artese, G., 20072). 
1.4 Image processing and Change Detection 
Many widespread programs allow processing of images, 
varying the brightness and contrast, and resampling after 
rotations. Regarding the resolution, the optimum depends on the 
minimum size of features that identify a change. In the case of 
cracks on the walls of buildings, it is essential a very high 
resolution, whereas in case of monitoring of degradation of the 
external plaster, it is preferable to have a normal resolution, to 
minimize computation time and memory use. 
For the change detection several techniques can be used. The 
simplest one you can effectively use is image difference. There 
are many factors that influence the result of a change detection: 
among the main ones we remember the average resolution of 
the images to compare, the not uniform resolutions in different 
parts of images, the differences due to different points of view, 
the environmental conditions at the time of the shots (variations 
in brightness, shadows, height of the sun, etc. ..), the presence of 
hidden parts. 
The ideal situation is with the same camera, point of the shot 
and identical environmental conditions. It is obvious that this 
situation almost never occurs. Even if the camera is fixed to a 
support, the image registration is necessary. 
Strictly speaking, one should speak of anomalous change 
detection, that is of changes non diffused in the entire image due 
to various causes (focus, different lighting conditions, etc..). In 
fact, the number of variations which one is really interested in 
identifying, is generally low, and the variations involve a few 
pixels. Most of pervasive differences are not interesting; often 
this differences are due to misregistration. 
An overview of anomalous change detection methods is given 
by Theiler (Theiler, J., 2008). 
Due to the different characteristics of the images, a registration 
process has to be previously done. For this aims, a semi- 
automatic processing of the archived image is performed: i) the 
Canny filter is applied, for edge extraction, ii) Harris (Harris, 
C.G., Stephens, M., 1988), Moravec (Moravec, H.P., 1979) and 
Forstner (Forstner, W., Guelch, E., 1987) operators are used to 
obtain corners and interest points, iii) Straight lines are selected, 
iiii) a 'divide and conquer' strategy is applied and a Constrained 
Delaunay Triangulation is performed. In this way, every 
triangular zone of the image corresponds to a plane region of a 
building facade. 
It is presumed that every camera phone shot is obtained from a 
point of view close to the one of the corresponding archived 
image. On the camera phone images, after the application of the 
Canny filter, the straight lines are used for the calibration. 
Through a cross-correlation, the triangles are found, 
corresponding to the ones obtained in the archived image, by 
using the constrained Delaunay triangulation. 
To the sent image, a piecewise affine transformation is applied. 
To detect the real anomalous changes, a radiometric registration 
should be performed, followed by the evaluation of the image 
differences. The registration is obtained using the well known 
mutual information value (Shannon, C.E., 1948): 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
IMgs(r,s) — sum ( Pas (r,s) log (Pas (rs)! Pg (r) Ps(s)) (1) 
where r and s are the pixel values from R and S images, PR(r) 
and PS(s) the probability distributions of r and s in each image, 
and PRS(r,s) the joint probability distribution of r and s. 
Thus, the minimum anomalousness registration can be used 
(Wohlberg, B., Theiler, J., 2009, Wohlberg, B., Theiler, J., 
This procedure is generally sufficient in case of concentrated 
changes (e.g. cracks on the walls). It works not properly when 
the changes are diffused, like in case of deterioration of a plaster 
zone in a facade. In this cases, a different strategy must be 
If we simply take into account small outliers, we can think of an 
approach as Wohlberg and Theiler (Wohlberg, B., Theiler, J., 
2010): you can compare the two images to be analyzed after 
subtracting the mean value for each pixel of the image, or 
portion of the image considered. 
This is not good, obviously, in case of differences that affect 
large areas, e.g. a large area of deteriorated plaster with a solid 
color: the anomalous change could then consist of a widespread 
change of an entire area, better described, e.g., by a linear 
regression, as reported by Heo and FitzHugh (Heo, J, 
FitzHugh, T., 2000). 
To obtain the two coefficients (intercept and slope) one should 
have some sample areas; in which case you must know how 
various conditions of sun radiation and position (season, time 
and weather) influence radiometric properties and cause 
If sample areas are not available, one can think to generate a 
georeferenced 3D model of the buildings, thus obtaining the 
shadows and the light intensity in the case of sunny days, but 
there is an unknown due to weather conditions (cloud cover 
may be thick or just a haze, etc. ..). In practice this is a very 
difficult way. 
In this work, a recursive procedure has been used, to find the 
radiometric parameters, for which the maximum number of 
pixel with equal radiometric values is obtained. In this way, 
changes characterized by small values, but diffused on a large 
area are detected. 
The image difference (new - base) is performed; the difference 
values are grouped thus obtaining a histogram for a grey scale 
image, or three histograms for a colour image. The shape of the 
histogram shows, in general, one or more peaks; once obtained 
the radiometric value of the maximum peak, a shift equal to this 
value is applied to the pixels of the new image. The procedure 
can be repeated for the red, green and blue channels of a colour 
The difference between the resampled new image and the base 
image is then performed and a non maxima suppression (high 
pass filter) is applied. The remaining non zero pixels are 
considered as changes in the original image; a BW image is 
then obtained, where the white pixels correspond to the 
changes. After morphological operations (Canny filter, 
dilatation, filling and erosion) a segmentation is performed and 
the anomalous areas are classified. For every area, several 
properties can be extracted (centroid, area in pixels, etc..); 
among these, area and eccentricity can be useful for our aims. In 
fact, areas with less than 100 pixels can be generally considered 
as noises and eliminated; for a crack this isn’t true, but in this 
case the value of the eccentricity is very high, generally greater 
than 0.95. The filtering is then performed by eliminating the 
areas with less than 100 pixels and an eccentricity less than 

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