Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

or lS 
Figure 11. The new image of test 3 
Figure 12. The upper-right triangle of new image of test 3 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 14. 3D view of image difference of test 3 after 
radiometric shift and non maxima suppression 
Figure 15. 3D view of image difference of test 3, limited to the 
left hump (dark points) 
Figure 16. 3D view of image difference of test 3 limited to the 
right hump (bright points) 
3.4 Quantitative analysis 
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3 Shei vis 
Figure 13. Histogram of images difference of test 3 
A 1 Detected Detected n 1 lAnomalous| False Non 
Test [Total Pixels nome gus Te CC | Areas after id Pixels Pixels |Detected 
Fus gas Filtering pixes Detected |Detected| Pixels 
] | 216684 2 3 3 30219 29598 1030 1651 
2 35588 3 18 à 12745 12940 195 - 
3 35588 2 2 2 12745 11220 108 1633 
Table 1. Results of the performed tests 
A quantitative analysis has been performed. In the Table 1 we 
found the results of the tests (for the test 3, the data are referred 
to the bright points). The actual anomalies have been obtained 
In the columns we find, for every test, the total number of pixels 
of base images and new images, the number of anomalous 
areas, both actual and detected before and after filtering, the

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