Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

3.1 Data 
In this study, SPOT 4 XS (20 m) image acquired on July 24, 
2003 and SPOT 5 MS (10 m) acquired on August 14, 2007 
were used (SPOT Image Copyright 2007, CNES). 1/5000 scaled 
aerial photographs and SPOT 5 Pan-sharpen (2.5 m) data were 
used for ground truth and accuracy assessment. 
3.2 Pre-processing 
The aim of remotely sensed data change detection is to compare 
the differences in the spatial representation of reflectance values 
of two points in time (Green et al, 1994; Yool and Flores, 
2007). The preliminary requisite for accurate change detection 
is precise geometric and atmospheric correction of the multi- 
temporal images. In the study, all images were geometrically 
corrected using first order polynomials and Ground Control 
Points (GCPs) collected from rectified SPOT 5 PAN data and 
1/5000 scaled maps to eliminate geometric distortions, and to 
define images in a common Universal Transverse Mercator 
(UTM) coordinate system. The digital numbers of the images 
were transformed to radiance values according to the reference 
information from image header file. Radiance values were 
converted to at-satellite reflectance based on the method 
presented by Vermote et al., 1997. Dark Object Subtraction 
(DOS) atmospheric correction method applied to multi temporal 
images to remove haze caused by atmospheric phenomena 
(Chavez, 1988). 
3.3 Change Vector Analysis 
Change vector analysis (CVA) is a spectral differencing 
technique, the primary utility of which is the detection of all 
changes present in the input multispectral data (Malila, 1980). 
The method was first used to characterize magnitude and 
direction variations of a vector in an n-dimensional spectral 
space defined by the axes of bands, transforms, or spectral 
features from a multi-temporal dataset (Malila, 1980). It is 
flexible enough to be effective when using diverse types of 
sensor data and radiometric change applications. CVA avoids 
spatial-spectral errors associated with post-classification 
comparison (Chen et al., 2003). 
3.4 Description of Tasselled Cap Transformation Features 
Brightness, greenness and wetness are the components of 
Tasseled Cap Transformation and descriptions of the 
components are given in Table 1 (Chris and Kauth, 1986; 
Lillesand and Kiefer, 1987). These components were used in 
mCVA to determine the dynamics of LULC changes that 
occurred in the selected region. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
3.5 Gram Schmidt Transformation and Tasselled Cap 
Parameters (Kauth -Thomas) Extraction 
Gram Schmidt Transformation (GST) is a mathematical tool 
that performs a rotational transformation in n-dimensional 
space, resulting in a series of orthogonal axes, each of which is 
a linear combination of the original axes. Three Tasseled Cap 
parameters are named Brightness, Greenness and Wetness were 
extracted from SPOT 5 MS data by using GST based on Ivits et 
al, 2008. Samples of bare soil, green vegetation, and water 
were selected to derive the TC coefficients. 
3.6 Change Vector Analysis Based on TC Features 
After image pre-processing, CVA was applied using derived TC 
coefficients to reveal the dynamics of land use/land cover 
(LULC) changes in Terkos Water Basin, Istanbul. The TC 
coefficients derived for SPOT 5 (Bektas Balcik, 2010) (Table 2) 
were used in a linear combination to transform 2003 dated 
SPOT 4 and 2007 dated SPOT 5 images into brightness, 
greenness and wetness features. 
SPOT 5 Green Red Near Short Wave 
Infrared Infrared 
Brightness | 0.201 0.397 0.548 0.707 
Greenness | -0.180 -0.330 | 0.832 -0.408 
Wetness 0.388 0.573 0.013 -0.724 
Component | Description 
Brightness It is weighted sum of all bands, aligned in the 
direction of the principal variation in soil 
Greenness It represents the contrast between the near- 
infrared and visible bands (orthogonal to 
Wetness It relates to canopy and soil moisture 
(orthogonal to brightness and greenness) 
Table 1. Description of TC features 
Table 2. TC coefficients for SPOT 5 data at satellite reflectance 
In this study, an extended CVA experiment was implemented 
based on the spherical geometry approach introduced by (Allen 
and Kupfer, 2000) to measure vector longitude and colatitude. 
This method adds a new colatitude measurement to improve the 
change detection capability. A model in Erdas Imagine 
Modeler tool was created to calculate the results of extended 
CVA. The detailed description of the model is given in Figure 2 
and the model is produced based on Flores and Yool, 2007. 
Figure 2. Graphical model script of the extended change vector 
analysis algorithm for SPOT 4 XS (2003) and SPOT 5 XS 
(2007) data. 
This method derives the information about both the amounts 
and types of changes in the data. The output of the model 
includes the magnitude and three direction images. 

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