Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

op co tae i UA iue I i unti nd 
clearly visible. The advantages between the approaches may seem 
only moderate. However, in the major part of the pit, a separation 
between the two limestone pit classes seem to be quite simple and 
therefore, all approaches yield good results in a large part. Fur- 
thermore, it has to be kept in mind that a major source of error 
comes from confusion between the limestone pit and natural out- 
crops of limestone or open chalky soils. Confusion between these 
landcover types narrow the differences between the change de- 
tection approaches. It should be noted though, that false positives 
based on this source of error are much less for kernel-composition 
approaches and more concentrated to single spots. According to 
McNemar's test, the advantage in overall accuracy of the kernel- 
composition approach over the other approaches are significant. 
The reason for the advantage of the kernel-composition approach 
and the stacked-features approach over post-classification change 
detection is straightforward. While post-classification change de- 
tection does not include any information on the change in pixels 
intensities between the two points of time, both kernel-composition 
and stacked-features do incorporate this information implicitly. 
However, the advantage of kernel-composition over the stacked- 
features approach is remarkable. Both approaches include in- 
formation on the change in pixels intensities. However, kernel- 
composition appears to be a better suited technique to exploit 
this information. It is assumed that the main advantage lies in 
the fact, that the kernel-composition represents this information 
in the RKHS, while the stacked-features approach represents it 
in the original feature space. Since SVMs operate in the RKHS 
when finding their optimal solution, kernel-composition and SVM 
seem to be a more suitable combination for representing this im- 
plicit information. 
Kernel based change detection is a conceptually elegant and use- 
ful method for change detection and multi temporal classification. 
Standard techniques like image differencing can be executed in 
RKHS, thus benefiting from the advantages of kernel based SVM 
classification. Changes in landuse for the given dataset from Up- 
per Rhine Graben can be visualized and furthermore quantified 
with high precision. In future work, the approach will be tested 
on more complex change detection problems. 
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