Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

«Top-most layer? 
.700.558,974 4. 
ield Value 
Class value 2 
Pixel value 10,889999 
Figure 17. Differences between two DEMs (test 2) 
It is interesting to note in the profile of figure 14 the difference 
of height both in the profile and in the map of the height 
differences, between the DEM of different time, after the 
construction of new building for a Mall. 
In conclusion, the present testing has verified the procedure for 
the extraction of DEM from only satellite stereo images by 
using both the parameters supplied with the stereo pair (RPC) 
and the ground control points. 
The second set of tests, in addiction, shows very good results in 
extraction of DEM both in Aerial photogrammetric method and 
in Lidar method. 
The availability of GeoEye-1 stereo pair allows new tests 
which are still in progress and the results encourage further tests 
that compare images taken at different times for the detection of 
changes especially in the modification of the DEM in order to 
know immediately the consequences of natural disasters or in 
search of environmental abuse. 
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The authors thank the SIT s.r.l. Noci (BA) for collaboration in 
the test run, the company Planetek of Bari and the Dipartimento 
di Geologia e Geofisica University of Bari. 

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