Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

ng it 
ed in 
1 and 
r any 
© False Positives (FP) 
Figure 10. Change map after refinement by morphologic 
opening. The 16 areas in red constitute building change. 
4.3 Quantitative Evaluation of Proposed Approach 
In order to evaluate the performance of our approach, we 
captured all building changes between the two epochs 
manually. We found 12 newly constructed but no demolished 
The results of a comparison of our results against the manual 
acquisition are contained in table 1. TP (True Positive) refers to 
the number of changed building (constructed or demolished) 
that are extracted correctly, FP (False Positive) indicates 
building changes incorrectly extracted by the approach; 
whereas FN (False Negative) is the number of missed changes. 
11 5 1 
Table 1. Quantitative evaluation of proposed method 
As can be seen in table 1 we were able to automatically extract 
11 of the 12 new constructions (a TP was declared if 75% of the 
area of the new building was covered by pixels indicating 
change). While we still need to reduce the number of FP, we 
note that there is only one FN in the results. As we had pointed 
out, our system is supposed to act as an alarm system, thus FP 
can be quickly deleted by a human operator. 
In this paper we have described an approach for automatically 
detecting building change from stereoscopic high resolution 
satellite images of two epochs and have shown preliminary 
results. Due to the ground resolution of only Im some problems 
occur in properly detecting changes and delineation of change 
footprints is not possible. Besides refining the current 
workflow, e.g. by making use of the better spatial resolution of 
the GeoEye DSM and by improving the DEM extraction, in 
future work we plan to reduce the number of false alarms by 
introducing more shape information for the buildings and 
building changes such as requiring them to be rectangular. In 
addition we want to be able to handle more complex building 
ground plans and changes of building parts, e. g. new annexes 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
of an existing building. Another area of future work will 
comprise a more sophisticated consideration of the existing GIS 
data. Accurate georeferencing of the GIS data to the DSMs is 
one topic, a more detailed comparison between extracted blobs 
and the building ground plan is another one. The tasks will 
probably require a finer image resolution, as was also found by 
Rottensteiner (2008) and Champion (2009). Further, we also 
consider the possibility to use radiometric image information. 
Once the false alarm rate is further reduced, we aim to use the 
approach in an alarm system for building updates. 
The authors thank the German Academic Exchange Service 
(DAAD) for financial support of this research. We are also 
grateful to Dr. Alobeid for valuable discussions and for 
providing software and technical support. 
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