Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Sitename LC type Description 
Birdlings Flat Open grass non-irrigated seasonal 
Bottlelake Forest dense forest with spo- 
radic logged patches 
Rangiora Irrigated crop crop under continuous 
Rolleston Mixed grass grass mixed with tree, 
periodic irrigation 
Waimak Gorge Barren bare. soil "in the 
Waimakariri river 
Table 1: In-situ measurement sites and their LC types 
each of the sites. These codes are meant to read data from the 
entire list of LST HDF files for the analysis period based on the 
coordinates of each test-site and arrange data-fields alongside the 
related fields (i.e., LST for day and night fields, quality control 
field, view-angle and overpass-time fields). Afterwards, dates 
based on HDF filenames and overpass-time field from the LST 
SDSs were used in the code to produce sequentially ordered val- 
ues as time-series from each test-site. It should be mentioned 
that these time-series are restricted to the available MODIS ob- 
servations (four times daily in ideal conditions), which is further 
restricted to those times when cloudless data were available. An- 
other code was written to match dates and times from LST time- 
series with the in-situ SM data; this code appends matching data, 
alongside with the in-situ SM date-time, as extra columns in the 
time-series of each test-site. 
3.4 Statistical methods 
Pearson's r coefficient of correlation (Eq. 3) is used to calculate 
correlations between LST and SM in this paper. Besides Pear- 
son's r, squared form of r indicated as R? is usually used in 
regression analysis, which is known as the regression coefficient 
of determination. In this paper R? is used alongside r in order to 
provide an absolute measure of agreement between the two vari- 
ables under consideration. It must be clarified that R? as used in 
regression analysis is more common when prediction of one vari- 
able based on regressor(s) or explanatory variable(s) and accord- 
ing to the regression model is the objective of the analysis, while 
in correlation analysis R? is only used to express the absolute de- 
gree of agreement between only two variables. If the direction of 
the correlation is not of interest, R? is easier to use as it provides 
a dimensionless scale (ranged between 0 to 1). Besides, R? can 
be used to express the magnitude of dependence between the two 
variable, and for this end often a percent form of the coefficient 
is used. As an example, an R? value of 0.35 from correlation of 
SM with LST implies that 35 percent of the variations in SM is 
dependent on LST. However, if the direction or sign (i.e., nega- 
tive or positive) of the correlation is of interest, such as the case 
of SM and LST where an inverse (or negative) correlation is as- 
sumed, Pearson's r would contain more information, and easily 
can be squared to get the R? value if necessary. 
Pe ST el X E) (5 - Y) 
E (X; 2 yv (Y. E ya 
where n is the number of observations, X and Y are the mean 
values of X and Y variables. 
4.1 Near-surface SM variations based on LC type 
Comparison of the in-situ measurements revealed significant dif- 
ferences in the volumetric soil moisture over various LC types. 
Greatest anisotropy from the dominant trend is seen on the irri- 
gated site, while the other LC types have relatively similar trends 
over the field measurement period (Fig. 2(a)). Spikes in the SM 
visible in most of the sites are due to rainfall events. This can be 
interpreted from the rainfall data. Although the rainfall data were 
only available in Birdlings Flat site (with LC type ‘Open grass’), 
the spikes in SM correspond to the rainfall events in most of the 
sites (e.g., 9th. 20% and 21** of November, see Fig. 3). During 
the few hours after the rainfall events moisture levels drop signif- 
icantly. However, temperature trends dominantly follow day and 
night maximum and minimums, respectively (Fig. 2(b)). Apart 
from the visual comparison, statistical analysis of the correlations 
between the two parameters was necessary to ensure if any long- 
term relationship exists between LST and SM in the area, which 
is discussed in the next section. 
80; E 
*- Open Grass 
e. Fed Donon ML Irrigated crop 
dues air Mixed Grass 
i zt Bamen. -. | 
9 4 
> 4 
A A, 
20 — 3 EI 
31 Oct 04 Nov 08 Nov 12 Nov 16 Nov 20 Nov 24 Nov 28 Nov 02 Dec 
Time (days) 
(a) In-situ SM (30 min rate) 
407 TT 
~~ Open Grass 
35- * "|rrigated crop - 
Mixed Grass 
| [+ Barren? 
30-| ; 
: i 
In-situ surface skin temperature (€) 
0 = i i l = = 
31 Oct 04 Nov 08 Nov 12 Nov 16 Nov 20 Nov 24 Nov 28 Nov 02 Dec 
Time (days) 
(b) In-situ surface skin temperature (30 min rate) 
Figure 2: a. Variations of the near-surface (<5 cm depth) volu- 
metric soil moisture, and b. variations of surface skin temperature 
over different LC types during the field measurements (Nov-Dec. 
4.2 Correlations between LST and SM time-series 
Regression analysis was used to discover any long-term relation- 
ship between MODIS LST and the in-situ measured SM in the 
study area. However, time-series of LST for the month of Novem- 
ber showed no significant agreement when correlated against the 

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