5.5 CEST
The result of the four methods combined in the CEST approach
is shown in Fig. 7 (right). In comparison to the other methods,
this image contains far less noise. Also, misclassification of
vegetation as changed buildings is significantly less. In
addition, the walls of the buildings are more accurate than for
the other results. In total, the combination of all three methods
generates the most reliable and accurate results for change
detection which is also demonstrated by the accuracy
assessment. The k-coefficients are presented in table 1.
Fig. 7 Change detection by post classification (left) and CEST
Tab. 1 x-coefficients for the change detection methods
5.6 Damage Map
For the damage map, the original image of T2 is used as
background for the automatically created change maps.
Unchanged areas are transparent, low to moderate changes are
shown as yellow overlay, and areas of strong changes as red
overlay. New building areas are shown in green. If this
technique is applied to areas with catastrophic events, this
change map makes it possible to quickly identify the most
affected areas or the areas for which high casualties are likely.
For the Abu Suruj area, it could be easily depicted that the town
has increased, but also that large parts of the city have changed.
Buildings were destroyed and new buildings were built on these
sites or next to the destroyed buildings (Fig. 8).
In this paper, a new automated change detection method
(CEST) is presented. CEST combines adaptive filtering in the
frequency domain with edge detection in the spatial domain,
calculation of the texture features ‘homogeneity’ and ‘energy’
with a PCA change detection approach and segment based
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
correlation. This combined method is compared to five standard
change detection algorithms (image difference, image ratio,
PCA, delta cue, and post classification analysis). Results are
visually and quantitatively analyzed. The accuracy assessment
shows that the CEST method is far superior to the standard
techniques for change detection. The combined method yields
an overall accuracy of 80 % and more than 90 % of the
unchanged buildings could be correctly identified. The method
is also transferable to other scenes of Darfur.
Fig. 8 Change map of Abu Suruj: new buildings (green), low to
moderate change (yellow), extensive change (red).
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