Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

have a 0.5m pixel error, the vehicles’ ground positions will have 
Im error. This paper uses centre of mass of the detected 
vehicles as the vehicles’ image positions. As suggested by 
Xiong and Zhang (2008), a sub-pixel segmentation method will 
improve the accuracy of vehicles’ image positions. 
Furthermore, in this paper, only MS-1 and MS-2 images are 
used to detect two ground positions of a moving vehicle. An 
additional ground position of a moving vehicle can be computed 
from the Pan image which will provide redundant data to find 
and correct the vehicle’s speed. In addition to this, the RPC 
models provided by satellites have a positioning error (Xiong 
and Zhang, 2008) which propagated to the vehicle’s ground 
position. Therefore, sensor refinement can further improve the 
accuracy of vehicle speed computation. 
A new methodology for automatic moving vehicle detection and 
moving vehicle information extraction from a single pass 
WorldView-2 satellite is presented. This includes two major 
components: (1) A new automatic approach to detect moving 
vehicles from MS-1 and MS-2 images in which there is no need 
to extract roads prior to the vehicle detection; (2) A method to 
extract moving vehicle information (position, speed, and 
direction). The experimental results demonstrate that this 
technique can automatically extract moving vehicles’ 
information from one pass WorldView-2 imagery. Therefore, 
this technique makes it feasible to use WorldView-2 imagery 
for traffic applications on an operational basis. Thus, this 
technique potentially offers a cost effective way to extract 
moving vehicles’ information for traffic management and 
Although the developed technique has achieved a fair level of 
accuracy, still there is potential for further improvements such 
as: (1) Automatic road extraction from Pan image prior to 
moving vehicle extraction; (2) Vehicle detection from Pan 
images; (3) An improvement in calculation of vehicles’ image 
coordinates. These improvements will be the part of future 
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This research was funded by the Canada Research Chairs 
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Inc. to Bahram Salehi (University of New Brunswick). 

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