Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

Field measurements can become prohibitively expensive over a 
large area. Remote sensing can collect data in an unbiased and 
cost-effectiveness way. Moreover, remote sensing can measure 
energy at wavelengths which are beyond the range of human 
vision: from ultraviolet to microwave portion of the 
electromagnetic spectrum can help automatically derive 
quantitative spectral features that serve the input information for 
detailed mapping of urban area at subpixel level and provides 
area-wide information about the fractional coverage of surface 
materials of each pixel. (Xiaojung, 2011) 
2.2 Research site 
Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is the biggest city of the 
country. It is also one of the most developed industrial and 
commercial hub. The city is located in the south-east of the 
country, on the Dambovita River, which is a tributary river to 
Arges River, itself a tributary to the Danube River. The area 
around the capital is called Bucharest Plain. This area has 
various land forms with heights varying from 100-115 m in the 
north-western side to 50-60 m in the south-eastern side. The 
city's surface is 228 sq km and the ground elevation varies from 
60 to 90 m. The metropolitan area of the city has a population 
of 2.4 million inhabitans (unofficially is estimated to 3.4 
millions). According to the local development projects the 
metropolitan area will be expanded in the near future to include 
94 regional districts of a total of 5,000 sq km. 
Figure 1. Study area delimited on Bucharest map (red rectangle) 
The road traffic system's infrastructure is based on a network of 
avenues which form a radial layout, starting in the downtown 
and expanding towards the city suburbs where they connect 
with roads to other major cities in the area. 
There is also a layout of important avenues which cross the city 
from one end to another (north to south, east to west, north-west 
to south-east) and two bypass roads around it (an inner and an 
outer road belt) which greatly improve the traffic flow in and 
around the city. 
Lately, the road system started to become more and more 
obsolete as its development for the past 30-40 years did not 
account for the rapidly increasing number of registered cars. 
This translates into large traffic jams during the rush hours. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Along Colentina River (a river which flows through the city) a 
couple of artificial lakes were developed to regulate the water 
flow — Baneasa, Floreasca, Tei, Plumbuita, Fundeni and 
Pantelimon. Another lake is on the Dambovita River. Over the 
time, the shores of these lakes were developed as parks and 
recreational areas, highly appreciated by the local residents. 
Moreover, there are also a couple of other parks like the 
Botanical Garden, Tineretului Park and Alexandru Ioan Cuza 
2.3 Data sources 
For this study have been used space panchromatic and 
multispectral images taken over Bucharest, as well as other 
complementary products: 
e space images: a Corona (16/09/1964) panchromatic image- 
3 m resolution; a  SPOT-3-HRV (09/07/1994) 
panchromatic image - 10 m and multispectral image — 20 m 
resolution; an IKONOS (25/06/2007) multispectral image 
— 4 m resolution; 
e aerial photographs at 1:5,000 scale, acquired in 1994; 
e complementary products: topographic and thematic maps 
at 1:2,000 and 1:5,000 scales. 
A representative area of the city with dynamic and significant 
changes in the past decades in: residential and commercial 
areas, street network, parks and green spaces. It includes Carol 
Park and Tineretului Park. The site has a rectangle form of 2.55 
km x 2.32 km and is placed in south central area of Bucharest 
city. Sub-images (windows) with variable size have been 
created from initial space images focused the test area. The 43 
year study period (1964 - 2007), includes two intervals with 
different characteristics: 25 years before 1989 and 18 years after 
the collapse of communist regime. 
3.1 Preliminary processing 
One of the most important prerequisite for change-detection 
applications is acquiring imagery in the same month in a year. 
Images acquired during periods with powerful sun light, present 
a very good contrast between various details. For example, in 
this case, the contrast between covered with vegetation soil and 
uncovered soil or construction areas is very high. Using the 
scene acquired in the same period of the year is suggested to 
change-detection with the purpose of reducing the problems 
which appear because of sun-angle differences, vegetation- 
phenology changes and differences in soil-moisture. 
IKONOS image was used as a reference image to ensure 
compatibility of multitemporal and multispectral data (SPOT 
HRV). Due to the lack of information regarding atmosphere 
characteristics, radiometric calibration has been realized for 
every site based on 10 time-invariant or quasi-invariant objects: 
darker zones (lakes surface), or brighter zones (uncovered soil 
area). Radiometric transformation which tie the two values of 
two images is a nonlinear regression equation which has the 
form y(i) = a(i) + b(i) * x (i), where y (i) is pixel’s radiometric 
value from reference image and x(i) is the corresponding 
radiometric value in the corrected image. 
3.2 IKONOS image processing 
After the radiometric correction, images have been 
geometrically rectified, so that the same pixel at one date 
overlaps the same pixel for the other date. The accuracy of 

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