Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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change-detection is directly conditioned by the geometric 
rectification. Rectification of an image requires accurate and 
homogenously distributed ground control points. 
Elevation difference in Bucharest area is about 30 m. Points 
displacement on the images caused by the simple rectification to 
a reference plane can be improved using a digital elevation 
model (DEM), changing the image to the geometry of a map- 
product. The digital elevation model is generated from aerial 
photographs 1:5,000 scaled, acquired in 1994. The height of the 
reference plane level is not available for images. A deviation of 
the reference plane from the correct value is causing an error in 
points location. Together with the remaining deviation of the 
sensor orientation this can be determined by means of control 
points. To perform the rectification process, affine 
transformation method was used and the image was resampled 
by using nearest neighbor method. Geometric corrections 
applied to photos and satellite images have been based on thirty 
ground control points, distributed around the area and even 
outside the site, easily identifiable and time-invariant. Ground 
control points have been identified both in aerial photographs 
and in IKONOS image. 
The high resolution space sensors have a small view angle, 
allowing the replacement of the perspective geometry in the 
CCD-line by a three dimensional affine transformation. This 
model can be improved by some corrections for a sufficient use 
of the perspective geometry in the CCD-line direction. 
Like the RPCs based on control points, the orientation 
information of the sensor is not used and the control points 
must be located and outside around the mapping area 
(Jacobsen, K., 2008). 
Based on 20 control points the full accuracy potential of 
IKONOS image can be reached, with an RMS error of 2.8399m. 
Figure 2. IKONOS color composite image of study area 
Multispectral images allow different color combination, through 
which are selectively pointed out study objects. In most cases a 
very expressive standard false color composite is realized if a 
combination between channels: blue, green and red. 
Examining channels histograms for satellite images can be seen 
that only a small part of sensor range is covered. As a result a 
contrast enhancement is needed. For linear contrast 
enhancement with point’s saturation, are used low values of 
enhancement (2.5-3.5%) with purpose of optimal use of 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
unsupervised classification. It allows a preferential 
enhancement of the areas covered with vegetation versus the 
built urban areas or uncovered soils. 
The nonlinear contrast enhancement offered better results 
(histogram equalization) by enhancing the contrast for the 
densest domain of reflectance values from the original image. 
There also been used Laplace filters techniques for directional 
and nondirectional edge enhancement (used for linear details - 
streets, great building, paths in parks). Digital processing has 
been done with Idrisi Andes GIS software. 
3.3 CORONA image processing 
In the past few years, it has been possible to obtain high- 
resolution imagery for official and local users. New imaging 
systems which have higher resolution and accuracy are on the 
way coming in use within next few years. However, using high- 
resolution imagery was not the case of recent years. 
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Figure 3. Corona data block format 
Nearly 50 years ago, in August 1960, USA succeeded in 
starting a satellite mission called CORONA. It was the first spy 
satellite system of USA. This program went through many 
developments during its lifetime until 1972, but all images were 
classified until 1995 (Lillesand, Kiefer, Chipman, 2003). The 
spatial resolutions of these photographs are nominally 
comparable to current high-resolution commercial satellite 
imagery (IKONOS, QuickBird). This historical image records 
enable investigation into urban land cover changes. 
Corona’s cameras are referred to by the designator “KH” (from 
KeyHole). Fairchild manufactured the first two cameras, KH-1 
and KH-2 that were flown on five successful missions from 
1960 to 1961. Other Corona cameras included KH-3 (operated 
from 1961-1962), KH-4 (1962-1963), KH-4A (1963-1969) and 
KH-4B (1967-1972), all designed, revised and manufactured by 
Itek. On the majority of the 95 successful Corona missions, the 
KH-4, KH-4A and KH-4B cameras have been used. These three 
cameras are very similar. The film format is 5.54 cm x 75.70 
cm. The film base is polyester and the film load capacity of KH- 
4A and KH-4B is 32,000', allowing a mission life of up to 19 
days. In longer missions, the film would be ejected twice

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