Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

(Schenk, T. et al., 2003). Technical specifications are listed in 
Table 3. 
Lens Petzval f/3.5 T 3.8 
Focal Length 609.602mm (24.0 in) 
Scan Angle 70 deg +/- 35 deg from track) 
Field of View | 5.12 deg (along track) 
Usable 29.323" X 2.147" 
Shutter Focal Plane 
Slit Widths Variable-- from 0.17 in to 0.30 in 
1. 70mm Wide 
2. 8,000 ft per recoverable sub-system 
(part 1 or 2 of a mission) for each camera 
Film Load 3. 16,000 ft per recoverable sub-system 
4. 16,000 ft per camera per mission 
5. 32,000 ft total load for both cameras 
for a mission (part 1 and 2) 
End Lap 7.6 percent; 
Image Motion | Camera nods proportional to 
Compensation | velocity/height (V/H) ratio 
Stereo Angle 30.46 degrees 
Filter Variable -2 position commandable 
Film Type 3404, Estar Base 
Table 4. Corona panoramic camera specifications [2] 
In this study, Corona image acquired on 16/09/1964 by KH-4A 
panoramic forward camera was used. The pass was descending 
from north to south. Panoramic cameras are mounted in the 
photographic vehicle at a 15? angle from the vertical, thus 
forming a 30? convergence angle. The cameras are designated as 
forward-looking and after-looking. Resolution is about 3 m. 
Because film transparencies tend to have higher spatial 
resolutions and a greater range of gray values than paper prints, 
they are the preferred source material when converting aerial 
photographs to digital images. Corona image was scanned with 
a photogrammetric scanner DSW700 with optimal 10 um 
(2540dpi) optical resolution, with attention to radiometric 
ground detail. 
For the Corona image rectification, 19 points were used. 
Naturally, the homogeneous distribution of the control points 
on the image has been taken in to account. The ratio between 
the altitude of Corona satellite (about 185,200 m) and the 
maximum exaggeration of elevation difference on the study area 
(30 m) was calculated and it was seen that the relief 
displacements due to elevation difference, can be ignored. 
Therefore, the study area was assumed to be flat and the 
polynomial rectification methods were utilized. For best 
rectification results, Rubber Sheeting method was applied 
(Byram, B. et al, 2004). 
In order to perform the triangle-based rectification, it is 
necessary to triangulate the control points into a mesh of 
triangles. Delaunay triangulation is most widely used and is 
adopted because of the smaller angle variations of the resulting 
triangles. This triangle based method is appealing because it 
breaks the entire region into smaller subsets. If the geometric 
problem of the entire region is very complicated, the geometry 
of each subset can be much simpler and modeled through 
simple transformation. For each triangle, the polynomials can 
be used as the general transformation form between source and 
destination systems. 
The most popular method to register images (image to image) is 
Rubber Sheeting. In this case, a low order 2D polynomial is 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
fitted through data points and control points in order to 
transform Corona image to photogrammetric image. 
Figure 5. Small portion of Corona image depicting study area 
The polynomial coefficients are then used to transform non- 
control points. The simplest transformation in this scheme is an 
affine transformation (Schenk, T. et al, 2003). 
X 1.5327 meters 
Y 1.2618 meters 
TOTAL 1.9473 meters 
Table 6. Check Point Error 
Precision of the Rubber Sheeting method was performed by 
measuring 24 control and 15 check points with 1.95 m accuracy 
(Table 4). 
3.4 SPOT HRY image processing 
For this study have been used a SPOT-3-HRV (09/07/1994) 
multispectral image — 20m resolution and a panchromatic image 
- 10 m resolution taken over Bucharest. There are different 
techniques to combine SPOT satellite images with two different 
ground resolutions. Using various image processing methods, 
including enhancement techniques, a good quality image 
suitable for multiple applications can be easily achieved. 
Atmospheric correction using only a first order additive haze 
model was applied to the multispectral bands. The cut-off points 
were derived from the histogram showing the minimum value of 
each band. The estimated haze contribution to the signal is 
subtracted from the photon count value in each band for all 
elements in the numerical image (Essadiki, M, 2004). 
The panchromatic and multispectral images in this study were 
acquired on the same orbit in the same day. For this reason, an 
affine transformation was used. The specific error model was 
derived from: the position of actual grid of scene elements (x, y) 
and the indices in the numerical matrix: (x, y) — f (row, 
column), the position of grid cells in the ideal grid (u,v) and the 
corresponding indices: (u, v) = g (row’, column’). For 
resampling the 20 m multispectral data into 10 m scene 
elements, a file containing twenty-four ground control point 
coordinates was needed. This was achieved by identifying sets 

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