From the available data set an area of 2700x1487 pixels was
selected as a test image and the number of the extracted vector
objects was limited to the related test area - 610 objects (Figure
Figure 1. Test data set. Post-event image overlaid with building
layer from the vector map. Satellite image courtesy of Digital
Globe (©Digital Globe 2010).
In order to verify the final result of our change detection the
ground-truth information containing the state of buildings was
initially identified by a visual comparison of the test data.
To start a comparative analysis of two different data sources it
is important to elucidate the knowledge that can be gathered
from the available data sets. The remotely sensed image is in a
raster format storing data as a regular array of pixels whereas
the vector data are composed of three basic elements: points,
lines and polygons. Due to the distinctions the vector and raster
data provide different types of information. The vector data
model presents objects with well-defined boundaries and their
coordinates whereas the raster data model describes a situation
at this place. Thus, the information about a building contour
geometry and location as well as the area inside the building
contour can be extracted from the available data. In order to
assess the integrity of the building contours we developed a
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
feature ‘Detected Part of Contour’(DPC) that characterizes,
which part of the building contour can be detected in the
remotely sensed image. For an investigation of the area within a
building contour several features based on textural information
can be analysed.
The investigated images can have different quality depending
on atmospheric and brightness conditions. In order to reduce the
influence of such effects, the images have to be corrected or
filtered. Consequently, before starting the feature calculation
process a brightness normalization across the satellite image is
performed using homomorphic filtering (Gonzalez & Woods,
2002; Delac et al., 2006). This is a frequency domain filtering,
which provides the suppression of low frequency variation due
to the illumination by taking the logarithm of the image
intensity (that is a product of illumination and reflectance)
before a high-pass filtering. The homomorphic filtering
facilitates both: image brightness normalization and contrast
increase (e.g., building edges and fragments of destruction).
Finally, a binary classification of building states and a
visualisation of the result damage map conclude the change
detection technique (Figure 2).
: Vector map
sensed image
Filtering Object
S selection
[ Feature extraction |
(DPC, Textural features)
Result visualization
Figure 2. Steps involved in object-based change detection.
3.1 Detected Part of Contour
The ‘Detected Part of Contour’ (DPC) feature was developed to
evaluate the integrity of building contours in the post-event
images. If the investigated building has an intact contour the
DPC value reaches its maximum (i.e. 10094).
The main steps of the DPC calculation are presented in Fig. 3.
sensed image
Selection of
control points
Vector map
Edge detection
Detection of contour pixels
with suitable direction
Calculation of DPC
Figure 3. Calculation of DPC.