in the
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Firstly, an edge detection filter is applied to the remotely sensed
image in order to extract the contours of buildings. In our study
the Canny edge detector is used.
Additionally, we adjusted the first derivative operator (Sobel
operator) to calculate the derivatives for horizontal and vertical
directions (Gx, Gy). The main point of this analysis is the
calculation of building contour orientations:
a = tan! (2) - 90° (1)
Thus, the resulting image presents the objects contours, where
pixels have values corresponding to their direction. The pixels
that do not belong to the contour are given a “no data” value.
Secondly, we extract control points from the vector objects. In
the vector map the buildings are symbolized by polygons. The
distance between two polygon’s vertexes is partitioned into
segments. At the centre of each segment a control point is
defined. Thirdly, a contour direction at the position of the
control points is calculated.
Finally, the algorithm examines the contour image (i.e. the
result of the edge detection process) for pixels with appropriate
contour direction at the position of each control point within the
specified study window. It is assumed, that in the case of an
intact contour the window has to contain a number of contour
pixels equal to its size. Consequently, the DPC is defined as the
ratio of the pixel number found on the raster contour and the
number expected for the intact building.
ND os
UN P min(P|N;)
100% (2)
Here N; is the number of pixels found in the i-th study window,
P is the size of the study window in pixels, Np is the number of
study windows (or control points).
More detailed information on the DPC calculation can be found
in Sofina et al. (2011).
3.2 Calculation of textural features
Since building roofs are mostly visible in the remotely sensed
images, we focus our analysis on them. If the building is
damaged or destroyed, the texture of its roof has changed. The
satellite image represents these changes that can be identified by
texture analysis. One of the most effective approaches of texture
analysis is the grey value co-occurrence matrix method that
describes the grey value relationships in the neighbourhood of
the current pixel (Haralick et al., 1973).
Conventional techniques of textural feature calculation exploit a
fixed rectangular sliding window for the calculation of a grey-
tone spatial-dependence matrix. The object-oriented GIS
approach enables an image analysis that is restricted to only the
area of the investigated object. In order to analyse the image
area corresponding to the building, a small fragment containing
the building is cut out from the image under investigation. For
the obtained picture a binary mask is created, which allows the
selection of the pixels belonging to the study area. Assuming
that only pixels from the building area have to be used for
calculation of textural features, the equations for grey-tone
spatial-dependence matrices can be modified as follows:
P(i,j,d,0°) = #{((k,1),(m,n)) € (BX B) [k—m=0, |l—n| = d,
I(k,l) 2 i, (m,n) = j}
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
P(i, j, d, 45°) = #{((k, D, (m,n)) € BXx B)|k-m=d, |-n =
—d),or(k — m = —d, L+n = d), I(k,l) = i I(m,n) zy)
P(i,j,d,90°) = #{(( D, (m,n)) € (8 x Blk - ml 2 dL 7n — 0,
I(k,D = i,1(m,n) = j}
P(i, j, d,135°) = #{((k, ),(m,n)) E(Bx B)|k—-m=d, I-n=
d),or(k—m = —d, ln = —d), I(k,l) = i, I(m, n) = j}
# denotes the number of elements in the set and B is the set of
pixels from building area selected by the mask.
The matrix has to be normalized to remove a dependency on the
building size. The following normalization can be used:
Rest da MEN) (4)
pli j) = F2 (5)
R is a normalization constant and N, is the number of grey
levels in the input image (in our study N, = 256).
Among different textural characteristics proposed by Haralick et
al. (1973) we concentrated on the features that describe image
homogeneity (Table 1).
Textural feature Equation Description
Measure of uniformity.
Angular Second ASM = > wey High values correspond to
Moment (ASM) r^ very similar image
rs. | Characterizes availability |
Inertia Inertia = VS -J Pj) of sharp borders and
d contours.
Measures of local
: | homogeneity. High values
Inverse Difference | pm = T PD n 8 gn ve
M t (IDM) | irü-p indicate highly
oment ( ) | Fd homogeneous image
| texture.
Table 1. Calculated textural features.
Besides the commonly used average value of the angular
features we include also minimum and maximum values as
inputs into the classifier.
3.3 Feature selection
A known problem of data classification is the reduction of the
dimensionality of the feature space and redundant information.
In our study the potential to separate the objects into two classes
is a decision criterion of the feature selection. As can be
observed in Figure 4 the application of the maximum of angular
texture features enables a better object separation then the
application of their average. The calculation of average values
shows a loss of information about the texture orientation and
results - as a consequence — in a worse performance. At the
same time, the maximum values of the angularly features are
significant if the buildings are intact.