Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Chembe Chisense, Johannes Engels, Michael Hahn and Eberhard Gülch 
Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences 
Schellingstr. 24 
D-70174 Stuttgart, Germany 
Commission VII/6 
KEY WORDS: image fusion, hyperspectral, resolution, urban, classification 
Pansharpening has proven to be a valuable method for resolution enhancement of multi-band images when spatially high-resolving 
panchromatic images are available in addition. In principle, pansharpening can beneficially be applied to hyperspectral images as well. 
But whereas the grey values of multi-spectral images comprise at most relative information about the registered intensities, calibrated 
hyperspectral images are supposed to provide absolute reflectivity values of the respective material surfaces. This physical significance 
of the hyperspectral data should be preserved within the pansharpening process as much as possible. In this paper we compare several 
common pansharpening methods such as Principal Component Fusion, Wavelet Fusion, Gram-Schmidt transform and investigate their 
applicability for hyperspectral data. Our focus is on the impact of the pansharpening on material classifications. Apart from applying 
common quality measures, we compare the results of material classifications from hyperspectral data, which were pansharpened by 
different methods. In addition we propose an alternative pansharpening method which is based on an initial segmentation of the 
panchromatic image with an additional use of map vector data. 
Pansharpening is a well-established technique for the enhance- 
ment of spatial image resolution, which allows the fusion of a low 
resolution multiband image with a high resolution panchromatic 
image. A mere upsampling of the multi-band image with an in- 
terpolation filter would result in a blurry quality with smoothed 
edges and missing short-wavelength constituents in the spatial 
Fourier expansions. Therefore at least the short-wavelength spa- 
tial information of the panchromatic image is integrated within 
fusion. This process, however, entails quite an amount of arbi- 
trariness. Whereas the overall brightness of a pixel (apart from 
histogram matching) can be more or less directly adopted from 
the panchromatic information, the ratio of the grey values of the 
individual channels depends strongly on the respective pansharp- 
ening method. 
More recently developed sensors suggest the application of pan- 
sharpening techniques, as those sensors frequently provide data 
in different resolution levels. Even more significant is the differ- 
ence between hyperspectral sensors and colour cameras. Hyper- 
spectral data usually feature a lower resolution than RGB images. 
However, pansharpening of hyperspectral imagery by a panchro- 
matic image imposes two distinct problems: 
e Often the ^panchromatic" image does not comprise the full 
wavelength range of the hyperspectral image but only a part 
of it. The panchromatic image might e.g. be derived from 
RGB imagery, whereas the hyperspectral image covers a 
wider range from the visible up to the shortwave infrared. In 
such a case, the panchromatic image is not "representative", 
i.e. not a pixelwise average of the hyperspectral image. 
e Calibrated hyperspectral data ideally feature reflectivity val- 
ues of the respective material surfaces (disregarding depen- 
dencies on the source - reflector - sensor geometry, i.e. the 
BRDF function). Therefore, in contrast to common imagery, 
an absolute hyperspectral grey value carries physical signif- 
icance as a distinctive parameter of the material surfaces 
alone. Any "resolution enhancement" runs the risk of di- 
luting this significance by a distortion of the parameter. 
In the present paper we compare several common pansharpening 
methods with respect to their impact or suitability for hyperspec- 
tral data. We present in addition an alternative pansharpening 
method, which is based on the segmentation of the panchromatic 
image. The interpolation on the finer grid is performed by us- 
ing data points from the same segment only. For the evaluation 
we apply visual inspection, profile analysis and some common 
quality measures. As more important, however, we rate a com- 
parison of the classification results which are achieved from the 
pansharpened images. 
In the last three decades, a lot of algorithms have been devel- 
oped which are, however, based on only few elementary prin- 
ciples. In any case, high-frequent panchromatic information is 
merged into spatially low resolution but spectrally differentiated 
data. We briefly outline the principles of some of the most com- 
mon pansharpening methods. Here we follow the more detailed 
representation in (Pohl and van Genderen 1998) or (Hirschmugl 
et al. 2005). 
2-1 Gram-Schmidt Fusion 
The Gram-Schmidt Fusion works pixelwise. It was developed 
and described in detail by (Laben and Brower 2000). In a first 
step, a low resolution panchromatic channel is constructed as a 
weighted average of the original hyperspectral channels. Based 
on this first new channel, subsequently further linear combina- 
tions are formed by orthogonalization of the original bands with 

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