Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

are identical. Table 3 shows that by this criterion the Segmentation- 
based Fusion has the highest rank. 
R G B I1 I2 I3 
PCA 026 | 027 | 027 | 0.18 | 0.17 | 0.23 
Gram Schmidt | 0.26 | 0.26 | 0.27 | 0.19 | 0.19 | 0.26 
Wavelet 0.49 | 0.34 | 0.32 | 0.45 | 0.15 | 0.42 
Seg.-based 0.51 | 0:50 | 0[50 | 0:50 | 0.50 | 0.25 
Table 3: Universal Quality Index according to (Wang and Bovik 
2002) for different channels of the pansharpened images 
5-4 Classification Results 
As we use hyperspectral data mostly for material classication, we 
prefer to compare the pansharpening methods with respect to the 
result of a supervised classification which they provide. Here we 
present only first results of an ongoing research. 
Before classifying the different pansharpened images, training re- 
gions for different surface materials were defined. We have used 
18 training regions for 12 roof materials plus vegetation. In or- 
der to determine the accuracy of the classification, the results are 
compared with ground truth information. As test regions for the 
evaluation we use the training regions plus 33 additional regions. 
The ground truth has to be improved in the future, however. 
Fo male 
HH Poo mera 3 
x iat 
(a) RGB Image (b) 
" = 
(e) Wavelet Fusion 
(f) Segmentation-based Fusion 
Figure 9: Classification Example 
Figures 9 gives an impression about the results of a SAM clas- 
sification. As expected, the Segmentation-based Fusion yields 
a good homogeneity of the segments. More significant are the 
evaluation measures which are reported in Table 4. The Overall 
Accuracy gives the ratio between correctly classified pixels and 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
the total number of pixels. The so-called kappa coefficient addi- 
tionally takes into account possible chance correct classifications 
(Cohen 1960). The results in Table 4 favour the Wavelet and the 
Segmentation-based Fusion — inspite of their minor visual qual- 
Fusion K Overall 
Method Accuracy 
PCA 0.70 | 74.7 
Gram Schmidt | '0.72 | 76.7 % 
Wavelet 0°82 | 853% 
Seg.-based 0.80 | 84.0% 
Table 4: Accuracy Measures of the Classification Results based 
on different Fusion Methods 
Pansharpening in general not only affects the overall brightness 
of hyperspectral data, but also the shape of the hyperspectral sig- 
natures, which is important for material classification. In order 
to distort the original data as few as possible, we propose to per- 
form in a first step a segmentation of the panchromatic image, 
employing map vector data in addition if available. In a second 
step the data are resampled on the finer grid, whereby the inter- 
polation is performed only by means of data pixels which are 
located completely in the respective segment. A comparison of 
different pansharpening methods reveals very different rankings 
dependent on the quality criteria. We think that our method has a 
good potential for the pansharpening for classification purposes. 
Further investigations will be based on better ground truth in- 
formation and more sophisticated classification methods. They 
should also comprise a more detailed scrutiny of misclassified 
Cohen, J., 1960. A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. 
Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20, 37-46 
Hirschmugl, M., Gallaun, H., Perko, R., and Schardt, M. 2005: 
*Pansharpening"-Methoden für digitale, sehr hoch auflósende 
Fernerkundungsdaten. In: Beitráge zum 17. AGIT Symposium, 
Salzburg, Austria, July 06-08 2005. 
Laben, C.A. and Brower, B.V. 2000: Process for enhancing the 
spatial resolution of multispectral imagery using pansharpening. 
United States Eastman Kodak Company (Rochester, New York). 
US Patent 6011875. 
Mallat, S., 2009. A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing. Elsevier 
Pohl, C. and van Genderen, J.L. 1998: Multisensor image fusion 
in remote sensing: concepts, methods and applications. Interna- 
tional Journal of Remote Sensing, vol.19, no.5, pp.823- 854, Mar. 
Ranchin T., Wald L., 2000: Fusion of high spatial and spectral 
resolution images: the ARSIS concept and its implementation. 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 66(1), 49-61 
Wang, Z. and Bovik, A. 2002: A Universal Image Quality Index. 
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 9 no. 3 p. 81-84 2002 
Ecognition User Guide http://www.gis.unbc.ca/help/software/- 
ecognition4/ELuserguide.pdf visited in April 2012 

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