Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

V = Bg + Bt T L S P. Go 
y = Et, P 
Where, B,—[-fx.. Sys "fal is the unknown coefficient matrix 
of ground point increment, Bi-[fao, fia. fuos fun: fio fifi Jin 
Figo: fal” (;=1,2) is the unknown coefficient matrix of the 
refined model parameters; 
L is the constant vector, which L,,—-[0-xo, y-vo] is the residuals 
for image coordinate observation value, L"[X-Xo, Y-Yo, ZZ 
is the residuals for ground coordinate observation value; 
x *, y! is the calculated image coordinate based on the initial 
value of unknown parameters, [Y „ZT for the initial 
approximation or adjustment iterative approximation value; 
glAXAY.AZ]" and ta, ay, Py. by Co Cu So fis 80 81)” 
represent the increment of ground control point coordinates, 
refined ephemeris model parameters and refined attitude model 
P. Pg. Ptare the model parameters weight matrix of image 
coordinates, the ground point coordinates, and ephemeris 
calculated by corresponding accuracy of observation values. 
attitude observation drift parameters, which are 
The accuracy of refined parameters (sig. ig, Meg) consistent 
with the accuracy of the satellite orbit surveying, (1,4, pi, Mot) 
consistent with the accuracy of satellite speed, mg, my 
consistent with the attitude measurement and control accuracy, 
ma, m,, with the same accuracy to the attitude stability(change 
The ground point coordinates and the parameters of refined 
orbit attitude model could be solved by least squares. 
3.1 Test data 
Experiment with TerraSAR-X satellite images, TerraSAR is a 
new commercial high-resolution radar satellite for earth 
exploration, which manufacturing joint by the German Space 
Agency and the European Astor company, moving in the sun 
synchronous orbit with 514 km altitude and 98 degrees 
inclination, and revisit cycle of 11 days. The sensor has a 
spatial resolution down to 1 m and operates in Stripmap, 
Spotlight, and ScanSAR modes with selectable or dual 
polarization (Buckreuss , 2003, Schwerdt, 2005) . 
Stereo positioning respectively adopt the same side-looking 
direction stereo images and opposite side-looking direction 
stereo images to test, the same side-looking direction stereo 
positioning refer to the ground intersection point on one side of 
two radar sensors site, while the opposite side looking direction 
stereo positioning mean the ground intersection point between 
the two sensors site. The length of same side-looking direction 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
stereo baseline or the forward intersection angle is usually 
smaller than that of opposite direction. 
TerraSAR-X same side-looking direction stereo images got in 
October 2009, which located in the steepness Mountains in 
western China, the elevation of the measured area is at 3500 m - 
5500 m, and the geographical coordinate of center area is 
(32.25°, 95.93°) the sample resolution in azimuth direction 
respectively and in slant range direction respectively are 
(2.18m,1.36m),(2.34m,1.36m).the two scenes are as shown in 
Figure (3). 
Figure 3. the same side-looking direction stereo images 
The base-height ratio between two images is 0.078, the forward 
intersection angle between the homologous and corresponding 
ground points is about 12 degree, and the two image overlap 
area greater than 80%, in this area totally have 22 known 
coordinates ground points, the relationship between image and 
the ground point distribution shown in Figure (4). 
TerraSAR-X opposite side-looking direction stereo images got 
in July 2009, the geographical coordinate of image center area 
is (31.15, 94.32) . the sample resolution in azimuth direction 
and in slant range direction for the two SAR images 
respectively are (2.03m, 1.36m), (1.58m, 1.36m). The elevation 
of surveying area is at 3800m -5600m, the base-height ratio is 
1.27, and the forward intersection angle of ground point is 67 
degree, images overlap area within the known geographical 
coordinates points are total of 12, the relationship between the 
two scene images and ground points distribution shown in 
Figure (5) below. 
Figd. the distribution of same Fig5. the distribution of opposite 
side-looking direction stereo side-looking direction — stereo 
images and ground points images and ground points 
Ground known points available through  triangulation 
encryption methods by optical SPOTS HRS and HRG images 
with Integration Mapping Software PixelGrid (Zhang. 2009), 
and the precision higher than the accuracy of 1:50 000 
topographic maps. 
3.2 Test and Test analysis 
(1) TerraSAR imaging compensated attitudes 

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