Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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Attitudes oscillation affects SAR imaging same with the track 
oscillation. In this paper, every TerraSAR-X image 
photographic time on the orbit is 8 seconds, and the original 
attitude value and the calculated attitude value based doppler 0 
value within this time were extracted. Plot the attitude change 
curve within photographic time for a scene image as Figure (6) 
shows. Among them, the left diagram for the roll angle sketch 
map, and the right picture for yaw angle sketch map. In sketch 
map, the variation curves represent the original measured values, 
smooth curves for the motion-compensated reference value. 
x 10 
-0.081 gr 
© -0.082 s E 
= a 
o ee P e A p 2t 
2 -0083|  —— Ct S 
= = 0— = 
2 „0.084 [7 TT Rm 3, 2 
| » 
-0085L————— —— —————— — al eie ; 
S ü 2 4 8 8 40 2 B 
Time(sec) Time(sec) 
Figure 6 sketch map for attitude measured value and 
compensation value 
(2) Stereo positioning test with same side-looking direction 
Tests through select different numbers of ground points as 
control point, the number separate is 0, 1(No.1), 4(No.2-No.5), 
9(No.1-No.9) and l5(uniform distribution), at the same time, 
the remaining points are taken as check points for stereo 
positioning accuracy test. Transform the adjustment value and 
measured value of ground points to Gauss projection coordinate 
system, and calculate the error based the adjustment value and 
measured value, then compute the plane and height accuracy for 
control points and check points . 
For comparison, we based the R-D model and with the satellite 
orbit one order linear refined model parameters as orientation 
parameters, the speed change value calculated according to the 
position vector of the time derivative, as formula (11). 
V = P/dt+dP/dt=V, +dV (11) 
The equation (9) was instead by error equation that established 
base Doppler condition, and re-establish the stereo positioning 
model based on R-D model and experiment. Table (1) statistics 
of R-Cp model and R-D model for stereo positioning accuracy, 
include the plane and elevation accuracy for control points and 
check points, and the plane and elevation coordinate maximum 
error of checkpoint. 
(3)Stereo positioning test with opposite side-looking 
direction images 
In this test, we also select different numbers of control point to 
experiment, there are 1 GCP (No.1), 2 GCPs (No.2, 5), 5 GCPs 
(Nol-5) and 11 GCPs (LOOCV assess precision method, 
(Brovelli M, et al, 2006)), and take the R-Cp model as the 
foundation for stereo positioning test, then get the plane and 
elevation precision for control points and check points, and the 
maximum error, statistics in Table (2). 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Table 1 stereo positioning accuracy statistics with same side- 
looking direction images 
Ntunber vf GCPs 0 1 2 3 9 15 
GCPs iom 0,5 23 6.2 16 175 
nig 0.8 1.9 33 4.3 4.6 
CPs mp 298 | 127 | 111 104 9.1 89 
Ground | R-Cp my 132183 177 158 | 53 [51 
Points — [model | Max. | Vp | 427 | 194 | 185 | 18.0 | 165 | 162 
Precision Errors | Vy | 234 150 | 133 99 | 96 | 90 
And GCPs | mp 06 [26 164 130 lua 
Error Bi 10 120 137 145 [49 
CPs imp 297 | 12.6 | £1 | 165, 95. 192 
n R-D mu 1132 | 83 77 58 $4 2 
model | Max 1 Vp E425 | 192 1 184 | 1&2 ] 16,7 : 165 
Errors | Vg 233 [149 | 132 199 197 191 
Table 2. stereo positioning accuracy statistics with reverse 
side looking direction images 
Number of GCPs 0 1 2 S 11 
RMSE | GCPs P 08 L33 161 6.7 
and (RMSE) | H 09 |27 3.8 4.0 
Error CPs P | 17.9 | 10.3 | 99 | 88 8.4 
(m) (RMSE) | H | 29.2 | 61 |55 |4.7 | 45 
Max P 1336 172 |161 |] 140 |] 133 
Errors H | 359 112. ] 9.3 90.3 9.] 
3.3 Test analysis 
(1) The attitude value calculated with O Doppler conditions 
show that the referenced attitude of SAR imaging has been 
compensated, attitude compensation is also part of the SAR 
imaging motion compensation. TerraSAR-X compensating 
referenced attitude and the actual measured value is very close, 
but the attitude shock has been eliminated. 
(2) With the compensated attitude as initial value, the 
positioning result used R-Cp model is close to R-D model. 
TerraSAR-X compensating referenced attitude is in the vicinity 
of the measured attitude, when adjustment can take the middle 
values or mean values of measurement as the value of attitude, 
it only has a smaller system error with the actual motion 
compensation referenced value. In the case of one or more 
control point, it would be easily to eliminate. 
(3) In the absence of the ground control points, the plane 
accuracy of TerraSAR-X image with same and opposite 
direction observation separately are 29.8 m and 17.9 m, the 
elevation precision are 13.2 m and 29.2 m, the result show that 
location accuracy differences of this two kinds methods are 
significant. In the condition of few amount ground control 
points, the two kinds of images stereo positioning precision are 
improved significantly, with the number of the control points 
increased, plane and elevation precision are also improved. 
(4) Along with the control points increased, the accuracy 
improved rate of the opposite side-looking direction images is 
less than the improved rate of same looking direction images,

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