Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

A 0-0 fe 
T -[e, &e-el]jo 13, 0 [e]. (1) 
0-9 À, | €: 
where e;, e; and e; indicate three independent and orthogonal 
eigenvectors; Aj, A, and XA; are eigenvalues with respect to the 
eigenvectors e;, e, and e;. The eigenvalues are real and 
M>A,>; if T is a positive-semidefinite tensor. 
The tensor voting method is used for deriving the implied 
vector information in LiDAR point clouds. The kernel of the 
tensor voting is the tensor communication among points. Each 
point receives vector information from its surrounding points 
and stores the vector information by the tensor addition rule. 
The resultant tensor can be expressed as follows: 
T= Y wr Q) 
where w is a Gaussian decay function depending on the 
Euclidean distance between the receiving site and the voting 
After the tensor communication is completed, the geometric 
feature information, such as planar, linear and corner features, 
can now be captured according to the rules of geometric 
features mentioned in Medioni et al.(2000). However, the points 
in the border region receive fewer votes than the points in the 
central region do, so that eigenvalues Aj, A,, and A; are 
generally smaller in the border region of an object than in the 
central region of the same object. To reduce the effect of the 
number of points, the planar feature indicators A;-A, may be 
normalized as 
x (3) 
The normalized value of planar strength is introduced for the 
planar feature extraction and the region growing in this study, 
since it is the sensitive indicator for planar features (You and 
Lin 2011b). 
The region-growing method is adopted for the segmentation of 
the points with similar planar features. The region-growing 
method used here is based on the homogeneity of the principal 
features. The principal features are the normalized planar 
feature strength c and the corresponding normal vectors in this 
study. In region-growing, only the points with a normalized 
planar feature strength c greater than a threshold can be adopted 
as seed points. The threshold is recommended to be 0.96 or 
larger in our experiments. 
First, the point that has the largest c-value is chosen as the seed 
point for the planar feature extraction. A point is merged into 
the region if both the c-value and the directional difference of 
the normal vector of that point are less than the corresponding 
thresholds. Then, the point with the second largest c-value in 
the LiDAR data, excluding all extracted points in the segment 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
associated with the first seed point, is adopted as the second 
seed point for growing the next segment. This region-growing 
procedure proceeds until no more seed points are available. 
Figure 1 illustrates segmentation result after region growing. 
In this study, ridge lines are inferred by the intersection of two 
adjacent roof faces segmented from LiDAR data, as 
recommended by Maas and Vosselman (1999). According to 
the rule that the triangles on the outer boundary of a triangular 
irregular network (TIN) mesh have only one or two neighboring 
triangles (Pu and Vosselman 2007), a TIN structure is adopted 
to extract boundary points. 
Figure 1. (a)LiDAR points and (b)the segmentation result. 
3.1 Data registration 
In this study, LiDAR data and topographic maps are integrated 
for building model reconstruction. Hence, data registration is 
intended to transform these two datasets into a common 
coordinate system. The discrepancies between boundary points 
and building outlines before data registration are shown in 
Figure 2. To determine the transformation parameters, the 
robust least squares (RLS) matching of boundary points and 
building outlines on a local xy-plane are used (You and Lin 
3 T 
boundary points 
building outline rs 
Figure 2. Boundary points and ridge lines. 

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