Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Shuo Shi* *, Wei Gong*, Lilei Lv”, Bo Zhu*, Shalei Song“ 
? State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, 
Wuhan, Hubei 430079, China 
? China Petroleum Engineering Limited liability company in North China branch (CPENC), Jianshe Road, Renqiu, 
Hebei 062552, China 
* Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430071, China 
Commission VII/7 
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, Data mining, Proceedings, Algorithms, Estimation 
Nowadays lidar has become a leading edge technology for photogrammetry and remote sensing. A new lidar with two detection 
wavelengths was presented in this paper. The two-wavelength lidar can obtain spatial information and spectral information, and 
intensity of backscatter signals in two-wavelength can be availably used for objects identification and observation. However, the 
backscatter signals are weak and strongly influenced by the noise. In order to acquire accurate intensity, the signal noise has to be 
removed. As a useful tool for signal processing, wavelet transform was chosen. In this study, the principle of two-wavelength lidar 
was introduced and possible noise in the backscatter signal was analysed. Then the signal progressing was executed on the basic of 
wavelet de-noising. First, singular values caused by varieties of noise source have to be rejected from the signal based on three 
standard deviations. Second, combination of modulus maxima method and threshold method is used to make further improvement 
on the signal. Finally, an evaluation of the noise reduction was given to testify the ability of the method. The results show that the 
effect of the method based on wavelet transform is better than other classical algorithms, and the method is suitable for signal noise 
reduction in two-wavelength lidar system. 
As an active measurement way of remote sensing, airborne laser 
scanning (ALS) has become a well-established technology for 
the detection of topography and for mapping the Earth's surface 
(A. Wehr and U. Lohr, 1999; K. Kraus and N. Pfeifer, 1998). 
However, the detection information of target characteristics by 
traditional lidar is poor because of the single-wavelength 
measurement (J Grace, et al, 2007). A new lidar with two 
detection wavelengths was provided by Wuhan University to 
improve the obtained information about properties of surface 
objects. Not only spatial information of objects but also spectral 
information can be acquired by the two-wavelength lidar, and 
intensity of backscatter signals in two-wavelength can be 
availably used for objects identification and observation. 
Furthermore, the two-wavelength lidar might be widely used for 
monitoring in the growth and nutrition status of vegetation. 
The two-wavelength lidar has been successfully developed and 
was used for features monitoring in the laboratory environment. 
As is well known, the backscatter signals of lidar are very weak. 
And it is difficult to obtain high-quality signals, especially in the 
condition of low-power transmitters and strong absorption on 
the objects. Besides, the weak signals received might be strongly 
influenced by all kinds of noise from the equipment and the 
ambient environment. In fact, the final signals acquired by the 
instrument are so poor that further application is hard to 
* Corresponding author. 
E-mail address: shishuo@whu.edu.cn 
continue. As a result, the signal noise has to be removed in order 
to get accurate information. 
Signal noise reduction based on wavelet transform has become 
the hot spot of academia right now. It is an effective method to 
reduce the noise in signal by wavelet multiscale decomposition 
(Liang Zhang, et al, 2002), and was applied for de-noising of 
backscatter signals in two-wavelength lidar system. In this paper, 
system description of two-wavelength lidar was given and the 
backscatter signals were presented. After the analysis of 
characteristic of noise, combination method of modulus maxima 
method and threshold method was proposed, and it was testified 
to be an effective algorithm to reduce the signal noise. 
2.1 System Description 
The new breadboard instrument of two-wavelength lidar system 
has been developed. The system is mainly composed of three 
parts: the transmitting sub-system, the optical receiver sub- 
system and data acquisition and processing sub-system. The 
block diagram of the two-wavelength lidar system is shown in 
Figure 1.

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