or the
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
In the final step of the investigations, a semivariogram of the
elevation anomalies was calculated for every AOI. This was
done using the Geostatistical Analyst Toolbox, a part of the
ArcGIS 9.3 GIS software package. Using this toolbox, the
magnitude of anisotropy was calculated for each airport. The
value of anisotropy was than mapped against the average value
of look angle. It was found that both variables are uncorrelated.
Similar results have been obtained for the look direction. A
most likely reason is that the majority of the SRTM elevations
have been obtained through averaging of elevations calculated
from a few data takes. This probably caused cancellations of the
directional characteristics of the elevation anomalies.
The main aim of this project was to develop circumstantial
evidence linking the presence of outliers in the SRTM data sets
with the presence of anthropogenic structures. We have chosen
airports as objects of interest because they usually contain large
and well-defined anthropogenic structures. But the presented
conclusions may be also applicable to other similar objects,
including large car parks, tall buildings, large metallic sheds,
and others. This study allows us to infer the following
1. There is tangible evidence that large anthropogenic
structures cause elevation anomalies in the SRTM data.
2. Attempts to relate elevation anomalies to both look angle
and look direction did not provide conclusive evidence of
a relationship between the independent variables (LA and
LD) and the dependent variable (the anomalies). This is
most probably caused by the mitigation strategy deployed
by the SRTM system (averaging elevations from a few data
3. A comprehensive study of the original complex radar data
takes used to develop interferograms over the AOIs is
recommended. Such a study should be aimed at identifying
a mathematical model explaining the mechanism causing
the undesired effects, and propose a modification of the
InSAR data processing chain over areas suspected to be
causing the artefacts in the InSAR-derived DEMs.
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