Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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An algorithm combining threshold method and modulus 
maxima method was chosen in the de-nosing process. Through 
the theory of tracking maximum modulus in the scales, modulus 
maxima method can search the characteristic points of the 
signals in the lower scale on the basic of the maximum modulus 
chosen in the highest scale (MALLAT S, 1992). However, a lot 
of noise is contained in the detail information of the first scale. 
Thus, noise cannot be completely reduced because the reserved 
modulus maximum points often contain part of noise. To solve 
the problem, threshold method was applied to combine with the 
modulus maxima method. In detail, principle of wavelet entropy 
was introduced in the first scale to obtain the adaptive threshold 
value (Zhengyou He, et al, 2004). 
4.1 Experiment 
The de-nosing method based on the combination of threshold 
method and modulus maxima method was proposed and 
experiment should be carried out to testify the ability of 
reducing signal noise. In the two-wavelength lidar system, there 
are two backscatter signals respectively in red channel and near 
infrared channel. In order to better display the ability of de- 
nosing, the worse signal which is in red channel was chosen. 
According to the proposed method based on wavelet transform, 
the de-noising process was made according to the flow shown in 
the Figure 3. 
| Noisy signal | 
Removal ofthe singular 
value based on 30 rule 
Threshold quantification with threshold 
method and modulus maxima method 
Figure. 3 Flow of de-noising process 
*db3" was chosen to be the basis function of wavelet transform, 
and the noisy signal was decomposed to 4 layers. Firstly, the 
mean square value of the high-frequency coefficients was 
calculated to remove the singular values, and all the wavelet 
transform coefficients greater than 3o were set to zero while the 
others remain unchanged. Then further improvement on the 
signal is made based on the combination of modulus maxima 
method and threshold method. Finally the decomposition 
coefficients were reconstructed by remodelling function, and the 
result of the reconstruction was de-noising signal. 
4.) De-noising effect evaluation 
In order to testify the ability of the method, an evaluation of the 
noise reduction should be given. As a result, some other 
classical algorithms were applied in the experiment to make 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
comparison with the combination method of modulus maxima 
method and threshold method. Direct average method, forced 
de-noising method and FFT method were chosen, and the result 
of de-noising is shown in the Figure 4. 
erem ru. i e 
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eA RM 1008 1500 2000 —— 2500 25 $e 1000 1808 00 Fa 
a. Combination method b. Direct average method 
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c. Forced de-noising method d. FFT method 
Figure 4. Comparison of different de-noising algorithms 
As the Figure 4 shows, the backscatter signal becomes smooth 
after de-noising of all the algorithms. However, the effects of 
different algorithms are obviously different. The noisy signal 
reduced by combination method has most smooth waveform 
and has best effeteness. On the contrary, direct average method 
makes the signal lose some useful component, while there were 
still peaks exist in the edge of the signal by forced de-noising 
method. For the FFT method, noise cannot be correctly reduced 
from the signal because of the lack of local analysis. 
Besides, measurement criteria were also defined to further 
evaluate the effects of signal noise reduced. In detail, signal-to- 
noise ratio (SNR) and mean-square deviation (RMSE) are 
expressed as the measurement criteria in the following 
calculation formulas. 
SNR =10xlog,,(S/N) (1) 
Where S= power of raw signal 
N= power of noise 
RMSE = XL f) Q) 
Where f(n)* de-noising signal 
f(n)* raw signal 
The effects of de-noising will be better when SNR are higher 
and RMSE are smaller. SNR and RMSE of different algorithms 
were calculated and the results were shown in the Table 1.

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