Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

ize of an 
el image 
| manual 
) for the 
> defined 
e of the 
:uracy of 
pep ), 18 
Where / denotes the number of non-zero pixels in Æ . Ideally, 
the pep value of a perfect segmentation should equal zero, so 
the smaller pep is, the better the segmentation. Thus, pep 
indicates the quality of the image segmentation. In this paper, 
we use the percentage of correct pixels ( pcp ) to represent the 
accuracy of segmentation: 
pp =1— pep (8) 
Table I compares the efficiency and accuracy of the above 
methods for the SAR image. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Method a Ay Az Efficiency- Accuracy — 
Time (s) pcp (%) 
ALGI 1500 0.05 1.5 49.658 64.821 
ALG2 1500 . 0.05 1.5 10.261 81.143 
ALG3 2000 0.05 1.5 10.796 79.135 
ALG4 1500 0.05 TS 5.184 96.705 
Notes: ALG4 is the proposed method. 
From the above qualitative analysis (Experiment 1 and 2) and 
quantitative analysis (Table I), the following conclusions can be 
1) By using OTSU algorithm to initialize the level set contour, 
segmentation accuracy is improved and iterations can be 
reduced significantly (please see the figurel (c)(d) and 
ALGI,ALG2 in Table I). 
2) Comparing with single-scale segmentation, the multi-scale 
technique can produce better accuracy and efficiency (please 
see the figurel (d)(f), and ALG2, ALGA in Table I). In any case, 
our method (ALG4) often leads to a superior result. 
In this paper, a novel SAR water extraction method integration 
multi-scale level sets and OTSU algorithm is proposed. 
Although experiments have testified that our method performs 
better than previous level set methods, much work remains to be 
done. The multi-scale analysis framework is a new component 
in the level set method for segmentation and there is still much 
work to do in the multi-scale analysis. Further, the Gamma 
distribution is used to represent the energy functional, because 
of the characteristics of the SAR image; in future work we will 
consider a more suitable energy functional for SAR images 
produced by different sensors. Finally, a threshold segmentation 
method was used here to initialize the level set function, and 
was shown to be useful for a binary segmentation; however, for 
multiphase segmentation, this technique may require further 
This work was supported by National Key Fundamental 
Research Plan of China (973) (No.2012CB719906) and 
National Natural Fund of China (NSFC) (No.41101414, 
No.40901211, and No.61001187). 
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