Quite a few criteria have been defined in the literature to
evaluate the performance of a model (Wang and Elhag, 2007).
These criteria include the sum of squared error (SSE), mean
square error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE), root mean
squared error (RMSE), absolute percentage error (APE), root
mean square percentage error (RMSPE), correlation coefficient
(RY), and so on. Among of them, RMSE, APE and R? are the
most widely used performance evaluation criteria and will be
used in this study. They are defined as follows:
R= E 6 55) (9m 3)
i=] i=1 : (2)
2 2
n n
G7») 3o»)
=] i=l
18S bs x«l
APE - 21009 4
2 ni x : e
Where yu; Ya: - y, are the predicated value,
measured value, average measured value and average
predicated value, respectively, n is the sample number.
4.1 TIN inversion model
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
According to situ measured TIN data and matched four input
parameters, a multiple regression model was established.
y=0.685-0.004x, +0.018x, +1.930x, +0.137x, (5)
Where y is TIN, X, , X , X4 , X, are VH,HV,Band4 and NDSI,
respectively. The summary statistics for the above models of
TIN (at the 9594 confidence level) are as following: R°=0.774,
F-value-20.48, constant, X, , X,, X, and X,of T-value are
5.74,1.12,4.37,1.40 and 2.22, respectively. In addition,
According to the above three parameters for assessing the
performance of model, RMSE=0.063, APE=8.651%, it
indicated that the model had relative low RMSE, APE and high
R° value.
4.2 Spatial distribution of TIN
According to the above multiple regression model based on situ
measured data, the model established was applied to calculate
TIN of area covered by two images in the sea. Figure 4 shows
the spatial distribution of TIN in sea surface of study area. As
seen in Figure 4, TIN of sea ranged from 0 to 0.30. The
majority of study area had a low value of TIN with ranging
from 0.05 to 0.10. However, the area adjoining to land had a
high value of TIN above 0.20. It inferred that the area was
nearly influenced by land matter. It still agrees well with the
actual distribution of TIN in sea.
Based on the above analysis, the multiple regression model for
predicting TIN in sea surface performed well. It confirmed that
the fusion of optical data and SAR data was effective.
TIN Gus L)
0. 29-0. 30
9. 15-ü. 20
9. 10-0. 03
ü. 05-0. [0
Figure 4. Distribution of TIN in sea surface of study area
RADARSAT-2 quad-polarization image and HJ-1 CCD image
have been used to estimate TIN of sea surface. Based on the
situ measured data, four parameters were selected as sensitive
factors. Moreover, the multiple regression model, which
interprets the variation of TIN as a function of sensitive factors.
According to the models and correlation analysis, the results
can be summarized in three points:
1) Band4 reflectance and NDSI are relative sensitive to TIN of
sea surface with R° above 0.3.
2) Compared with HH and VV, VH and HV has a better
correlation with the change of TIN of sea surface, implying the
advantages of cross-polarization radar backscatter in sea
biochemistry monitoring.
3) Fusion of optical data and SAR data can improve the
accuracy for estimating TIN in sea surface. It is because
different image data sources can get more subtle information
for oceanic biochemistry from different view.