Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

rived. The process of deriving these surface structures from a set 
of sample points is traditionally done using computational geom- 
etry based methods such Delauney triangulation or the Voronoi 
diagram (Bolitho et al., 2009). The data is assumed to be free 
from noise and dense enough to allow a realistic surface to be 
derived (Zhou et al. (2010) in Lim and Haron (2012)). When 
the point cloud is sparse or noisy the resulting surface is often 
jagged rather than smooth. The surface reconstruction process 
interpolates heights between sample points (Bolitho et al., 2009). 
Each point is considered a moment of height change and between 
points terrain height change is assumed to be linear or is solved by 
interpolating a least squares fit. An alternative to computational 
geometry is function fitting, these approaches define a function 
for determining a surface at a given location by global and/or lo- 
cal fitting (Bolitho et al., 2009). Kazhdan et al. (2006) developed 
a Poisson Surface Reconstruction technique that combines both 
global and local function fitting expressed as a solution to a Pois- 
son equation (Bolitho et al., 2009). The Poisson approach uses 
the orientation of the point normal to create a surface that changes 
gradient according to the change in point orientation (Figure 1). 
The algorithm obtains a reconstructed surface with greater detail 
than previously achievable (Jazayeri et al., 2010). 
Figure 1: A TIN versus a Poisson DSM. 
This paper evaluates the UAV-MVS generated point cloud and 
surface representations of a natural land form by qualitatively 
comparing these to a reference dataset generated using close range 
terrestrial photography based MVS techniques (T-MVS). 
2.1 Study Area 
A dynamic 100 m section of sheltered estuarine coastline in south 
eastern Tasmania will be monitored for fine scale change (Fig- 
ure 2). The vegetation on the site is grasses and scrub bush along 
an erosion scarp with salt marsh at the southern end of the study 
site. For this study a section of the erosion scarp was chosen 
as the focus area for comparing the close range terrestrial MVS 
point cloud to the UAV-MVS point cloud (Figure 3). 
2.2 Hardware 
The camera chosen to capture photography at sufficient resolu- 
tion for UAV-MVS point cloud generation is the Canon 550D 
digital SLR camera. This camera has a light weight camera body 
and provides control over ISO, aperture and shutter speed set- 
tings. The settings are carefully chosen to reduce motion blur 
when acquiring images at 1 Hz (one photo per second). The re- 
sulting image dataset contains around 300 photographs per UAV 
flight with 70-95% overlap. The OktoKopter micro UAV plat- 
form (Mikrokopter, 2012) is the basis for the TerraLuma UAV 
used for this study. The aircraft is an electric multi-rotor system 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
3 — Profiles 
: "uu e [ Study Area 
= a x Focus Area 
0 2.000 4,000 6,000 8000 10.000 eins 
km CC) Inset Boundaries 
0 A 
£ nn 
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0 306090120 - / 0153 6 9 12 
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0 125 25 50 75 100 | 
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Figure 2: Coastal monitoring site. 
Figure 3: Images of the focus site (the first is taken looking east, 
the second is taken looking west). 
(eight rotors) capable of carrying a ~2.5 kg payload for approx- 
imately six minutes. The system has an on-board GPS (5-10 m 
positional accuracy) and other sensors that allow it to do way- 
point navigation. The camera is attached to a stabilised camera

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