Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

xking east, 
or approx- 
S (5-10 m 
o do way- 
ed camera 
mount. This camera is also used for the hand held terrestrial pho- 
tography. A Leica 1200 real-time kinematic dual-frequency dif- 
ferential GPS (RTK DGPS) was used to capture ground control. 
2.3 Data Collection 
To generate the UAV-MVS point cloud 89 photographs were taken 
from nadir and 64 oblique photographs were taken from a ~45°angle. 
The above ground level (AGL) flying height was approximately 
30-40 m. Prior to acquiring the UAV imagery 42 small 10 cm 
orange disks were distributed throughout the focus area. These 
GCP disks were surveyed using RTK DGPS to an accuracy of 
~1.5-2.5 cm. These disks were placed so that they could be seen 
from above and from the waters edge. The UAV imagery cap- 
tured these GCPs in ~380 overlapping aerial photographs and 
then 179 terrestrial photographs were taken of the focus area by 
hand. The UAV image dataset and the terrestrial dataset were 
carefully screened and any blurred photographs or photographs 
beyond the study area were rejected. 
2.4 Multi-View Stereopsis 
The MVS process relies on matching features in multiple pho- 
tographs of a subject, in this case a section of coastline. The 
Bundler software is used to perform a least squares bundle ad- 
justment on the matched features. These features are discovered 
and described using invariant descriptor vectors or SIFT feature 
vectors. Once defined the SIFT features (or in our version SIFT- 
Fast features?) can be matched and the MVS process produces 
a sparse 3D point cloud along with the position and orientation 
of the camera for each image. Radial distortion parameters are 
also derived. The imagery used in this first step is down sam- 
pled (5184x3456 pixels — 2000x1333 pixels). The point cloud 
produced is in an arbitrary coordinate space. The next stage is to 
densify the point cloud using PMVS2, usually with down sam- 
pled images. The improvement made by our UAV-MVS process 
is that we transform the output from the Bundler bundle adjust- 
ment so that PMVS2 can run on the full resolution imagery. The 
resulting set of 3D coordinates also includes point normals, how- 
ever it is still in an arbitrary coordinate reference frame. 
2.5 Georeferencing 
The ground control points must identified in the imagery and 
matched to their GPS positions in the local UTM coordinate sys- 
tem (GDA94 Zone 55). This “semi-automatic GCP georeferenc- 
ing” is done by analysing the colour attributes of a random selec- 
tion of orange GCP disks found in the imagery. The point cloud 
is then filtered based on the derived colour thresholds, i.e. Red, 
Green, Blue (RGB) range for GCP orange. The filter finds points 
in the cloud that are close enough in RGB colour space Euclidean 
distance to the GCP orange. The extracted orange point cloud 
contains clusters of points for each GCP and the bounding box of 
those point clusters is used to calculate a cluster centroid for each 
GCP cluster in the arbitrary coordinate space. To match these 
cluster centres to the equivalent surveyed GPS positions, the nav- 
igation grade on-board GPS positions for the time synchronised 
camera locations are matched to the Bundler derived camera posi- 
tions and a Helmert Transformation is derived that, when applied, 
locates the point cloud in real work scale to an accuracy of ~5- 
10 m. The cloud is now in real world scale, therefore the GCP 
cluster centroid can be matched to the GPS positions by manually 
finding the closest GCP position to each cluster (when GCPs are 
more dispersed this process is usually automated). The resulting 
list of GCP disk cluster centres matched to GCP GPS points is 
then used to derive new Helmert Transformation parameters for 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
transforming from arbitrary coordinate space to the UTM coordi- 
nate space. 
The terrestrial photography does not have an equivalent set of 
camera position as the photographs were taken by hand. A “man- 
ual GCP georeferencing” technique must therefore be under- 
taken. This involves to extracting and labelling GCP disk cluster 
centres from the point cloud and then comparing the distribution 
to the GPS survey. GPS points can then be matched to their asso- 
ciated cluster centre and a Helmert Transformation can be derived 
and applied to point clouds and derived surfaces. Once the data 
was georeferenced it could be clipped into profiles and smaller 
point clouds using LASTools*. 
2.6 Surface Generation 
Triangulated meshes join the points in the dataset to their nearest 
neighbours, for this study the focus is on the points (or vertices) 
before and after Poisson Surface Reconstruction (since the vertex 
locations will remain the same when a dense triangulated mesh is 
created). Poisson surface reconstruction was done using Version 
3 of the PoissonRecon software ? provided by Michael Kazhdan 
and Matthew Bolitho. Default settings were used for all param- 
eters except octree depth and solver divide, for which the values 
of 12 and 8, respectively, were chosen based on experimenta- 
tion. MeshLab and Eonfusion " were used to visualise point 
clouds and surfaces and clean the data. Edge face removal using 
length thresholds were used as well as isolated piece removal (au- 
tomated and manual). The mesh vertices were then extracted by 
clipping out the profiles (using LASTools) for comparison with 
the original MVS derived vertex profiles. 
2.7 Point Cloud and Surface Comparison 
Future studies will investigate the best methods for quantitatively 
comparing point clouds and derived surfaces. For this study the 
method chosen was a qualitative comparison of point cloud pro- 
files and strips along lines of interest within the focus area (see 
Figure 4). 
Figure 4: The two profiles within the focus area (see Figure 2). 
Profile strips 1, 2 and 6 cm wide were extracted from the geo- 
referenced MVS point clouds and from the Poisson vertex points 
clouds. The points and derived surfaces were then overlaid and 
visually compared to evaluate how well the Poisson vertices rep- 
resent the surface and how well the UAV-MVS point cloud coin- 
cides with the T-MVS point clouds and derived Poisson vertices 
and surface meshes. 
*http://Www.cs.unc.edu/ isenburg/lastools/ 
Shttp://www.cs.jhu.edu/ misha/Code/PoissonRecon/ 

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