Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
models to process almost all the high resolution optical imagery 
(Eros-A, QuickBird, IKONOS,  Cartosat-l, GeoEye-l, 
WorldView-1 and 2), was updated to manage also and SAR 
imagery, acquired by COSMO-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X; 
moreover a new original matching methodology, both suited for 
optical and SAR imagery and now patent pending, was 
Here the application and the results of the overall procedure for 
radargrammetric DSMs generation was applied to TerraSAR-X 
imagery, acquired in Spotlight mode over Trento (Northern 
Italy). Two different tiles with extensions of 2-3 Km? were 
selected, considering different morphological situations and 
some difficult cases for automatic image matching. Paragraphs 
2, 3 and 4 present the fundamentals of the DSMs generation 
procedure, mainly focusing on the orientation models (rigorous 
and RPFs), the pre-processing denoising strategy and the 
matching methodology; paragraph 5 discusses the results 
related to the processed images and finally the conclusions are 
drawn in paragraph 6. 
2.1 Geometric reconstruction to 
The radargrammetry technique performs a 3D reconstruction 
based on the determination of the sensor-object stereo model, in 
which the position of each point on the object is computed by 
the intersection of two radar rays with two different look 
In the first step, the relationship between the image and ground 
coordinates is established through the orientation model, that 
reconstructs the SAR geometry during the image acquisition. 
The model is based on two fundamental equations. 
The first equation of (1) represents the general case of zero- 
Doppler projection: in zero-Doppler geometry the target is 
acquired on a heading that is perpendicular to the flying 
direction of satellite; the second equation of (1) is the slant 
range constrain (Capaldo et al., 2011). 
NS uA. x rY Y«(Z m4. 0.0570 
Vr (Xp = Xs) + vy (Yp—Ys )+ vs, (Zp -Z5)=0 
where Xp, Yp, Zp are the coordinates of the generic ground 
point P (time independent) 
Xs Ys Zs are the coordinates of the satellite sensor 
(time dependent) 
Vsx Vsx Vsx are the cartesian components of the 
satellite sensor velocity (time dependent) 
Ds is the so-called “near range" 
CS is the slant range resolution or column spacing 
Iis the column position of point P on the image 
The relationship between image coordinate J and the time /, can 
be expressed by a linear relation, 
; 1 
= start _ time + J 
in which the start time of the acquisition (start time) and the 
Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF), the sampling frequency in 
azimuth direction, are involved. 
A refinement of the orbital model, that has to be taken into 
account to comply with and to exploit the potentialities of the 
novel high resolution (both in azimuth and in range), is based 
on the Lagrange polynomial orbital model. 
The orientation is performed without Ground Control Points 
(GCPs), using only the metadata supplied with imagery. For 
TerraSAR-X imagery, previous orientation test showed that the 
accuracy of the geolocation is around 2-3 m in horizontal and in 
vertical direction. 
2.2 RPCS generation 
The RPFs model is a well-known method to orientate optical 
satellite imagery. This model relates the ground coordinates 
(latitude o, longitude 4 and height 4) to the image coordinates 
(I, J) in the form of ratios of polynomial expressions whose 
coefficients (RPCs) are often supplied together with imagery. In 
fact, some satellite imagery vendors have considered the use of 
RPFs models as a standard to supply a re-parametrized form of 
the rigorous sensor model in terms of RPCs, secretly generated 
from their own physical sensor models. 
Moreover, since residual biases may affect the supplied RPCs, 
the orientation can be refined on the basis of some GCPs even if 
RPFs models are used; usually a 2D shift (2 parameters) or a 
2D affine (6 parameters) transformations are estimated, so quite 
few GCPs are necessary to obtain a refined RPFs orientation, 
which can reach the accuracy level of an orientation based on a 
rigorous model (Hanley and Fraser, 2004). 
The RPCs can be generated according to a so-called terrain 
independent scenario, starting from a rigorous orientation 
A tool based on this approach is implemented in SISAR and is 
now able to manage both optical and SAR high resolution 
imagery. A 2D image grid covering the full extent of the image 
is established and its corresponding 3D object grid with several 
layers slicing the entire elevation range is generated. The 
horizontal coordinates (X, Y) of a point of the 3D object grid are 
calculated from a point (/, J) of the image grid using the already 
established and mentioned rigorous orientation model with an a 
priori selected elevation Z. Then the RPCs are estimated in a 
least squares solution using as input the 3D object grid points 
and the image grid points (Crespi et al. 2009). 
To avoid instability due to high RPCs correlations, in our 
approach the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and QR 
decomposition are employed to evaluate the actual rank of the 
design matrix and to select the actual estimable RPCs. 
Moreover, the statistical significance of each estimable RPC is 
checked by a Student T-test, so to avoid overparametrization; in 
case of not statistically significant RPCs, they are removed and 
the estimation process is repeated until all the estimated RPCs 
are significant,according to the “parsimony principle” (Crespi et 
al. 2009). 
It has to be underlined that, as regards the RPCs generated by 
SISAR, the shift/affine RPCs refinement is not necessary in 
order to achieve the best accuracy, since the RPCs are a re- 
parametrized form of the geometric radargrammetric model, 
already well calibrated on the accurate metadata information. 
Overall, the use of the RPFs of model is common in several 
commercial software, at least for three important reasons: the 
implementation of the RPFs model is standard, unique for all 
the sensors and much more simple that the one of a rigorous 
model, which have to be customized for each sensor; the 
performances of the RPFs model can be at the level of the ones 
from rigorous models; the usage requires zero or, at maximum,

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