Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
K. N. Tahar 
Dept. of Surveying Science & Geomatics, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying 
Universiti Teknologi MARA,40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia - nizamtahar @ gmail.com 
KEY WORDS: Mapping, Analysis, Camera, Accuracy, Aerial, Photogrammetry 
This paper looks into the latest achievement in the low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology in their capacity to 
map the semi-development areas. The objectives of this study are to establish a new methodology or a new algorithm in image 
registration during interior orientation process and to determine the accuracy of the photogrammetric products by using UAV 
images. Recently, UAV technology has been used in several applications such as mapping, agriculture and surveillance. The aim 
of this study is to scrutinize the usage of UAV to map the semi-development areas. The performance of the low cost UAV 
mapping study was established on a study area with two image processing methods so that the results could be comparable. A 
non-metric camera was attached at the bottom of UAV and it was used to capture images at both sites after it went through 
several calibration steps. Calibration processes were carried out to determine focal length, principal distance, radial lens 
distortion, tangential lens distortion and affinity. A new method in image registration for a non-metric camera is discussed in this 
paper as a part of new methodology of this study. This method used the UAV Global Positioning System (GPS) onboard to 
register the UAV image for interior orientation process. Check points were established randomly at both sites using rapid static 
Global Positioning System. Ground control points are used for exterior orientation process, and check point is used for accuracy 
assessment of photogrammetric product. All acquired images were processed in a photogrammetric software. Two methods of 
image registration were applied in this study, namely, GPS onboard registration and ground control point registration. Both 
registrations were processed by using photogrammetric software and the result is discussed. Two results were produced in this 
study, which are the digital orthophoto and the digital terrain model. These results were analyzed by using the root mean square 
errors and mean absolute error to determine the level of accuracy and the precision of photogrammetric products. It can be 
concluded that the new method of image registration by using the GPS onboard of the UAV produces medium accuracy result 
compared to the method that uses the ground control point. This new method can be used for the medium accuracy requirements. 
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle can be used for several applications, which requires a medium accuracy. 
1.1 Related Works 
Unmanned aerial vehicle is extremely potential in mapping 
field and provide high data accuracy. There are many types and 
designs of UAV that are available in the market. UAV can collect 
images from wide range from O — 2000 kilometer of flight 
altitudes (UVSIA, 2010). In many countries the aviation 
regulation limit the altitude and visibility (line) of sight) is 
required to the UAV. UAV also offers the same concept of image 
acquisition like manned flight but it does not required onboard 
pilot during flight mission. UAV can be deployed rapidly and it 
gives high resolution images for spatially limited areas. UAV also 
has the potential in surveillance missions (David et al, 2008; 
Dingus et al., 2007) and aerial tracking for various purposes and 
in a variety of applications. Many studies have investigated the 
capabilities of UAV in agricultural mapping using multispectral 
Sensor in order to classify the plantation in term of health 
condition (Grenzdorffer et al. 2009; Herwitz et al, 2004). 
However, the integration between UAV and multispectral 
instruments require many modifications due to the payload 
limitation and endurance hour of the UAV. UAV has also been 
used in urban area mapping by producing a layout map of the 
urban area. The layout can be used by many organizations for 
strategic planning in the urban area (Jwa and Ozguner, 2007). 
This product could be used for city planning to direct sustainable 
development in certain area. 
Fixed wing UAV can be operated autonomously or under 
radio control by operator. In some cases, autonomous flight 
control could be less accurate in term of conducting the flight plan 
due to the UAV turbulence which is affected by wind direction 
(Osborne and Rysdyk, 2005). However, one advantage of 
autonomous flight mission is that it can be used for large study 
area without any concern of the human eyes' limitation. However, 
the local aviation regulations are to be taken in to consideration. 
Manual and autonomous flight needs the similar amount of 
control, by checking the path conducting, and possible anomalies 
in the instrumentation on UAV from the beginning until the end 
of flight mission. The safety of UAV relies on the skill of the 
operator during flight mission. Unfortunately, manual flight 
mission is unable to cover large area due to the limitation of the 
human eyes. A fixed wing unit such as cropcam has been 
assembled with a complete package for flight mission. It includes 
autopilot chip, electronic speed controller (ESC), GPS onboard, 
Camera mount, gyro, wireless modem and high resolution camera 

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