Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
The objectives of this paper are to assess the ability of UAV plat- 
forms for monitoring high resolution change within a Eucalyptus 
Nitens plantation. This will be achieved by examining the capa- 
bilities of a UAV-borne LiDAR system, carrying the same model 
scanner as described in (Jaakkola et al., 2010), to resolve plot 
level forest metrics and assess the repeatability of these metrics. 
The effects of the spatial accuracy of these systems, varying beam 
width, point density and scan angle will be assessed by altering 
the system's altitude and then manipulating the resultant point 
clouds to isolate the effects of each factor. 
2.1 Hardware 
The capabilities of the TerraLuma UAV-borne LiDAR system de- 
veloped at the University of Tasmania will be assessed in this 
study (shown in Figure 1). The platform consists of a multi- 
rotor UAV (OktoKopter Droidworx/Mikrokopter AD-8) which is 
used to carry the sensor payload. This particular system is capa- 
ble of carrying up to 2.8 kg for a duration of 3- 4 min which 
is sufficient time to cover a plot sized area within 100 m of the 
take off point. The system is equipped with an on-board autopilot 
allowing predefined flight paths to be followed which ensure an 
efficient use of this flight time. 
Figure 1. The multi-rotor UAV platform used within this study. 
The laser scanner on-board this system is an Ibeo LUX 
automotive scanner. 
The sensor payload is vibration isolated from the main platform 
through 4 silicon mounts. This payload consists of a position and 
orientation system (POS), a laser scanner and a data logging pc. 
The POS consists of a MEMs based IMU, a dual frequency GPS 
receiver and an HD Video camera. The high rate measurements 
from the IMU are fused with observations of position and velocity 
from the GPS and orientation from the camera to ensure high 
accuracy observations of position and orientation are made for 
use in the generation of a point cloud (as outlined in Wallace et al. 
(2011)). This payload is stand-alone from the sensors used in the 
auto-pilot and all processing is performed offline. The on-board 
laser scanner is an Ibeo LUX automotive sensor which measures 
points in four scanning layers and in doing so can record up to 
22000 returns/s. The scanner has a measurement range of up to 
200 m with a repeatability of 0.10 m. The beam divergence of 
the Ibeo LUX laser scanner is 0.08 ^ across track and 1.6? along 
track. The Ibeo LUX can record up to 3 returns per pulse and 
records a pulse length measurement for each return. 
Flight 1 2 3 4 
Altitude (m) 30 50 70 90 
points/m 77 45 19 10 
Footprint Diameter 0.83 1.30 1.95 2.38 
across(along) (m) (0.04) (0.07) (0.10) (0.12) 
Motion 9975 2175 205 925 
Angle (°) 
Table 1. Flight conditions over the field measured pre-pruning 
assessment plot. 
2.2 Study Area and Data Collection 
A 5 year old Eucalyptus Nitens plantation coup was chosen as 
the study area. The coup is located near the town of Franklin in 
Tasmania, Australia (Figure 2). The area has a mean elevation of 
450 m and consists of terrain with a 20 ^ east facing slope. The 
trees stand approximately 10 m tall and were due to be pruned 
within 2 months of the LiDAR survey. 
g 25 50 100 
mm Kilo m ets rs 
Figure 2. The state of Tasmania with a dot showing the location 
of the study area. 
UAV-borne LiDAR data was collected from four flights follow- 
ing a 120 m transect in both forward and reverse directions. In 
each flight this transect was flown in both forward and reverse 
directions. Each flight was flown with an average velocity of 
4.0 m/s at a constant height above the take-off point. Four 
12.62 m radius circular plots were extracted from each of the 
point clouds for use in this analysis. One of these areas is located 
over a future pre-pruning assessment plot. This ground inven- 
tory will be used in future analysis of the collected data. The 
properties of the data acquisition are given in Table 1 based on 
the above ground flying height over this ground inventory plot. 
The slope of the terrain and constant flying height above take-off 
allowed a variety of flying heights to be assessed over the remain- 
ing plots. These four flying heights show the significant variation 
in footprint diameter, point density and scan angle of the UAV 
system. The footprint diameter at 30 m can be considered simi- 
lar to some modern full scale data as used in (Yu et al., 2011) for 
example. However, all other data is collected with a significantly 
larger footprint. The lowest flying height of 30 m ensured safe 
operating distance of approximately 10 m above the trees the top 
of the slope. 
Generating point clouds separately for the forward and reverse 
transects allowed comparison both at the various flying height, as

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