Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
First Returns Last Returns Flying Height 
10 10 
5 5 30 m 
0 fF. 0 ie | 
5 10 5 10 
10 10 
5 5 50 m 
3 lt 
E 0 0 
5 5 10 5 10 
= 10 10 
© 5 | 70m 
0 0 
5 10 5 10 
10 10 
5 | 90m 
0 0 
5 10 5 10 
Above Ground Height (m) 
Figure 4. Histograms of the above ground height of vegetation 
returns over a single plot for point clouds captured at above 
ground flying heights of a) 30 m, b) 50 m, c) 70 m and d) 90 m. 
There is an obvious attenuation of upper canopy returns due to 
flight altitude. 
12 T 
Flying Height 
— 30m 
E Ex som 
= 90m 
o 4r 
20 60 80 
Above Ground Height Quantile (%) 
20 100 
Figure 5. Above ground height quantiles measured from various 
flying heights for a single plot. 
of 50 m these statistics vary by more than 100 %. This varia- 
tion in the point clouds captured at greater altitudes suggests that 
these point clouds are not capturing the true canopy structure. 
As such point clouds from flights with an altitude of more than 
50 m above the ground will not be used in any further analysis. 
3.2 Horizontal Accuracy 
The location of 50 random trees as found in the measurements 
of point clouds below 50 m were compared. This resulted in a 
minimum of four tree locations being observed for each tree. The 
mean repeatability of an individual tree location 0.36 m with a 
standard deviation of 0.24 m . The maximum difference between 
any two tree locations of 0.96 m was found between two flights at 
50 m at a scan angle of approximately 20^ in both flights. This 
suggests that accuracy is highly affected by increased scan angles 
and flying heights. The sampling densities at flying heights below 
50 m suggests the top of a tree is likely to be sampled and any 
error is likely to be due to errors in the position, orientation or 
calibration of the LiDAR system. 
3.3 Point Density 
The effect of point density on the calculation of quantiles at the 
plot level is significantly different to that seen due to the variation 
of different flying heights. Decreasing point densities primarily 
result in a small decrease in the number of points measured at 
the very top of the crown. This is illustrated by a decrease of up 
to 1.2 m in the 90 th and 100 th percentiles (when comparing 
10 points per m to 77 points per m). As the positively skewed 
canopy height distribution tends toward symmetry there is also 
an increase of mid-canopy height quantiles. A reduction in point 
density from 77 points per m to above 30 points per m (as shown 
in Figure 6) was found to have no significant effect on any of the 
plot level statistics calculated. 
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Distance (m) 
Figure 6. The effect of point density at the level of an individual 
tree. Showing a) full density point cloud at 30 m, b) full density 
point cloud at 70 m and c) decimated point cloud at 30 m 
At the level of an individual grid cell more variation due to to 
point density is seen in the calculation of some of the statistics. 
This is primarily due to an under sampling of the canopy at this 
point density. For point densities below 40 points per m there 
is a significant reduction of up to 10 % in the upper level canopy 
density metrics. Furthermore, the percentage of canopy returns 
vary by up to 50 %. 
3.4 Scan Angle 
The primary effect of increased scan angle is a shadowing on the 
far side of the trees (as demonstrated Figure 7). The statistics for 
grid cells in these shadows were not calculated due to the lack of 
information. Therefore, the comparison of most statistics from 
cells with a sufficient number of returns at different scan angles, 
showed only a slight increase in variance for cells with large scan 
angle differences. 
3.5 Footprint Size 
There was no significant variation found due to footprint sizes 
(range of 0.6 - 1.3 m) in flights lower than 50 m. As this analysis 
was restricted due to the necessity of scan angle similarity there 
may exist greater variation towards the edges of the plots due to 
increased ranges of footprint sizes. 
The results of this study suggest that a repeatable set of statis- 
tics can be derived from multiple flights of a UAV-borne LiDAR 
system. To achieve this, however, the flying height of the system 
needs to be restricted to less than 50 m. The primary effect of

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