Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
rm San TT 
Figure 2. Radargrammetric DSM of Trento — Tile 2, descending 
(above), ascending (centre), merged (below) 
These results are representative of the potentialities of the 
radargrammetric model, anyway the achievable accuracy is 
strictly related to the terrain morphology. 
As regards future prospects of research, a more refined 
denoising is necessary to improve the matching reliability; 
therefore a deeper investigation on the expected potentiality of 
existing speckle filters for the high resolution SAR imagery will 
be carry out. Finally, alternative and more refined interpolation 
methods, as ordinary or multi-resolution splines (Brovelli et al., 
2012) will be implemented and tested for generating a 
complete DSM over a grid, also with the aim to mitigate the 
high frequency DSM errors which, of course, affect directly a 
linear interpolation as Delaunay triangulation. 
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The authors are indebted to Prof. Uwe Soergel and DLR for 
supplying the TerraSAR-X SpotLight imagery used in this work 
in the frame of the project “Evaluation of DEM derived from 
TerraSAR-X data” organized by the ISPRS Working Group 
VII/2 “SAR Interferometry”.

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