Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
mapping (Simard et al, 2008) and above-ground biomass 
extraction (Lefsky et al., 2005). A high-altitude airborne sensor 
tested was SLICER, providing ~10 m footprints at ~5000 m 
altitude. Harding et al. (2001) proved that canopy height profiles 
can be extracted from waveform data with correlation (R?) 
values up to 0.75 can compared with ground truth. Lefsky et al. 
(2005) used SLICER data to estimate above ground biomass 
(AGBM) over different biomes, reaching correlation (R2) values 
up to 0.85. 
A strategy of processing waveform is to attempt for an 
improvement in peak detecting in the post-processing phase. 
Several methods have been tested and results show that the 
Generalized Gaussian fitting method gives best results (Chauve 
et al, 2007). Improved peak detection increases the number of 
significant returns obtained from a survey. Tests have shown 
that the number of returns — thus point density — can be 
increased by a factor of two compared to conventional discrete- 
return data (Reitberger et al, 2009). Point clouds with high 
densities (> 10 point/m2) are necessary for extracting metrics 
which use the distribution of 3D positions and intensities 
(Reitberger et al., 2009) for the identification of single trees and 
tree structure. 
Metrics which use all the information obtainable from an ALS 
survey have also been tested on large footprint (Drake et al, 
2002) and small-footprint surveys. The objective of this paper is 
to extract information on low vegetation (renovation) by 
discrimination of terrain from low vegetation returns. 
2.1 Study area and ALS survey 
The survey was done the 20th of June 2011 with a helicopter 
carrying Optech’s ALTM 3100 sensor and a Rollei AIC modular 
P45 digital metric camera. The surveyed area is a region whose 
area is approximately 2.70 km?, located in the northwest part of 
Italy. The region of interest (ROI) for this study is a smaller 
portion (center at 7?29'54" longitude 45°46’18” latitude at 
WGSS84 datum). Part of the ROI encompasses and area which 
endured a severe fire event in 2005 which caused the destruction 
of the forest stand. Figure 1 shows the ROI with circular sample 
plots on five the five sectors which were tested for variability in 
vegetation characteristics. 
ctors with circular sample plots 
Figure 1. ROI with the five se 
Characteristic Value 
Vehicle Helicopter 
Sensor Optech ALTM 3100 
Date of survey June 20 2011 
Mean relative flight height ~525 m above ground 
Scan angle* z2].5? 
Scan frequency* 71.5 KHz 
Output Datum ETRS2000 (2008) — WGS84 
*Calculated directly from the output data 
Table 1. Characteristics of the survey flight. 
2.2 ALS data 
In the text the term “waveform” will be used to indicate 
amplitude as a function of time, specifically a vector of energy 
values sampled at 1 ns intervals. The length of the vector 
depends on the number of sampled energy values, which, in the 
case of Optech’s waveform file format, is a variable number for 
the return echo. In the case of the outgoing pulse (TO), the 
energy is sampled constantly every 1 ns for 40 ns thus the TO 
waveform is recorded in the NDF file using 40 samples. As can 
be seen in figure 2 the maximum value does not always 
correspond with the same sample time.. 
t9 (outgaing signal) waveform 
Figure 2. Plot of eight waveforms of the outgoing pulse. 
2.3 Waveform recording format 
All laser scanner data were stored by the system in Optech's 
waveform data file formats, which consist in four types of files. 
To process the waveform the following files were necessary: 
- NDF file, where the recorded waveform data are stored 
consisting of variable length records, each of which hold the 
following information relative to one laser pulse: the GPS 
timestamp, the outgoing pulse waveform and up to 7 significant 
segments of the corresponding return echo waveform. The NDF 
data are divided into frames, each containing 16838 records. 
- IDX file, which is an index, relating starting and ending GPS 
timestamps of a specific frame in the NDF file. 
- CSD file holds information on trajectory, thus the position 
and orientation of the vehicle at each laser pulse, as well as scan 
angle and range of up to four returns. 
- DGT file holds the index between frame start time and CSD 
record number. 
2.4 Sampling design 
The ROI was divided into 5 sectors with different characteristics 
in terms of forest cover and renovation technique; each area 
was sampled with circular plots of 12.6 m radius, -500 m? 
(figure 1). The characteristics for each area and the number of 
plots are reported on the table below.

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