Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
mma Simulated waveform 
mw FE h 
2 40: MUS ] 
= 20 
= WH 
< 0 eme 
20 10 29-35 
Time (NS) 
Figure 3. An example of a simulated waveform 
3.2 Procedure of echo detection algorithm 
Figure 4 shows the algorithm of detecting echoes by the 
wavelet-based detector. For comparison, the zero-crossing(ZC) 
detector is also utilized. The idea of ZC is to find zero crossings 
of the first derivative of waveforms as the location of echoes. 
Normally a smooth filter would be applied to waveforms when 
adopting the ZC method since ZC algorithm is significantly 
suffered from noises. However the wavelet-based detector can 
directly process the raw waveforms without smoothing. 
Firstly several waveforms with variant SNR levels are generated 
(a) and then are input to the detectors (b). According to the 
algorithms, the detectors output the locations of detected echoes. 
One can see that some redundant echoes would be detected on 
both sides of the waveform due to the noises regardless of any 
detectors are applied (c). A condition is made that an echo 
whose intensity (amplitude) must be greater than 3 Onoise in 
order to remove the fake echoes (d). Consequently the echoes 
pass the condition would be considered as efficient echoes and 
transformed into 3D point. 
| === waveform 
— tihorder itera Ree A 
s ete d echoes 
T cho < 
& ; A | 30noise ¥ 
detector enl 
waveform | 
7 wavelet coefficients | 
(9) (b) (c) (d) (e) 
Figure 4. Flow chart of echo detection 
3.3 Weak echo detection 
To evaluate the power strength of return echoes, the signal-to- 
noise ratio is utilized: 
(Peak of return echo) 
SNR - 10log,, (dB) (6) 
3.3.1 Set up: To test the ability of noise resistance between 
the wavelet-based detector and the ZC detector, we generated 
the echoes start from 0 SNR value and then increased the SNR 
values by strengthening the power of echoes. At each SNR level, 
1000 waveforms are generated. Therefore the percentage of 
successful detection accuracy can be calculated by: 
number of detecting 1 echo 
number of detecting 0 echo 
number of detecting more than 1 echo 
CRI: x100% (7) 
MRI: x100% 
RRI: x100% 
where CRI denotes the correct rate(CR) of detection, MRI 
denotes the missing rate(MR) of detection, and RR1 denotes the 
redundant rate(RR) of detection. 
3.3.2 Results: Figure 5 shows the detection results of the 
two detectors under variant SNR levels. Comparing the CR1 of 
the two detectors, the wavelet-based detector can reach to 10094 
more quickly than ZC detector. In addition the wavelet-based 
detector also produced less number of missing echoes. The two 
detectors have approximate results in producing the number of 
redundant echoes. Therefore the wavelet-based detector has 
better ability of noise resistance in the case of detecting single 
weak echo. 
Zero-crossing detector 
E730 echo 
BB more than 1 echo 
percentage of successful detection (%) 
s 5 8 38 3 8 8 8 
percentage of successful detection (%) 
Figure 5. Results of echo detection, CR1: blue, MRI: green, 
RRI: red, (a) zero-crossing, (b) wavelet-based 
3.4 Overlapped echo detection 
In this section, we focus on the three factors (Figure 6): echo 
width (EW), the range between two echoes, and the relative 
intensity between two echoes (A2 / Al in Figure 6), which have 
significant influences on resolving the overlapped echoes. The 
noises however are not taken into consideration in this test. 
From the results of section 3.3.2, an echo can be confidently 
detected by both of the detectors once its SNR vale exceeds 20 
dB. In this experiment, the SNR value of each echo is set as at 
least greater than 32 dB so that the noises can be treat as no 
influence on the detecting results. 

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