Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Table 1: SAR 
Envisat C-band E-SAR L-band 
3.1 em 24.3 cm 
7.8 m 1.5m 
4m 3m 
E 5 -.—.- Envisat C bandi 
E-SAR L Band = 
density / occurance 
0.0 02 04 0e 0.8 1.0 
Figure 1: Reconstructed coherence histograms corresponding to 
the Aletsch glacier, after a 1 day and to Inyltshik glacier after 
35 day time interval, using a coherence estimation window of 
11 x 11 samples. 
estimated along-track (a) and the across-track (b) displacements 
through two SWISAR campaign acquisitions. In here, the am- 
plitude of the displacements is the division of the displacements 
vector by the time interval between acquisitions. The along- 
track information turns out to be very valuable, since in some 
areas the across-track (LOS) measurement cannot yield any dis- 
placement due to the lack of movement in the across-track di- 
rection, highlighting the limitation of DInSAR application. The 
amplitude of the displacements in both directions can be easily 
discriminated because of the geometrical characteristics of the 
monitored glaciers. Considering previous in situ measurements, 
the displacement maps are found correctly in both across-track 
and along-track directions. The first one with the average of 17 
cm/day and the other one with the average speed of 36 cm/day, 
To test the performances of the MI based tracking through whole 
glacier, the classical maximum likelihood estimation performance 
> max(MI) — mean(MI) 4 
^. mean(MI) — min(MI) e 
has been plotted in Fig. 2(c). It can be easily seen that areas 
including moving ice blocks, crevasses and rocks have a signifi- 
cantly better estimation performance than areas including layers 
of snow. Note that a detailed analysis of Aletsch glacier surface 
velocity monitoring with single channel SAR (only temporal V V 
channels) can be found in (Prats et al., 2009) and (Reigber et al., 
3.2 Inyltshik glacier (incoherent) monitoring with C-band 
As final example for the MI based tracking, the surface displace- 
ment map of Inyltshik glacier by single channel Envisat C-band, 
highlighting the application potential of the proposed polarimet- 
ric tracking in decorrelated data set (see Fig. 3(a)), has been ob- 
tained. The surface velocity map -Fig. 3(b)-, which is in ac- 
cordance with previous in situ measurements, shows the typical 
surface velocity pattern of glaciers with an highest velocities in 
the center of the glacier and a strong gradient towards the bound- 
ary. A more detailed study about the geophysical properties of the 
: (LT) meon MI 
(c) mean( M I)—min(MI) 
Figure 2: Retrieval of the along-track (a) and across-track (b) dis- 
placements, after a 1 day time interval, using the proposed polari- 
metric tracking. (c) The robustness map. The horizontal direction 
corresponds to the along-track whereas the vertical direction cor- 
responds to the across-track direction. 
surface velocity of the Inyltshik glacier can be found in (Mayer 
et al., 2008, Erten et al., 2009). 
Multi-channel (polarimetric) tracking approach has been demon- 
strated to estimate 2-D glacier surface velocity by maximizing the 
MI between temporal acquisitions. Two conclusions can be made 
after analyzing the first results in multi-channel tracking. Firstly, 
in the ablation zone of the glacier, the multi-channel tracking im- 
proves the surface velocity estimation significantly. This can be 
explained thanks to the natural properties of the ice blocks and 
coherent scatters in this area. Since polarimetry does not have a 
significant role in those features, making use of the multi-channel 
-hence polarimetric channels, increase the randomness of the ac- 
quisitions, and so the quality of the estimation. Secondly, in the 
accumulation zone of the glacier, tracking between interferomet- 
ric methods with different polarization can cause a misleading 
information based on the difference in penetration depth of HH 
and VV channels into snow. It has also been shown that thanks 
to multi-channel tracking this misleading information can be op- 
timized since the movement/shift between each temporal polari- 
metric channel is the same. However, availability of ground mea- 
surement is required for validating the proposed method. The fol- 
lowing specific research questions will be answered with ground 
e At what level of accuracy can glacier surface velocity can 
be measured thanks to POLSAR images? 
e Can PoISAR glacier surface velocity measure improve the 
one with single-channel single-polarized SAR images. 
e How can the proposed algorithm be depended on the wave- 
length (penetration to ice)? 

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